So I came home from Cornwall on Monday…
Jo and I sat on the train eating all the chocolates Rosie gave me as a thanks for babysitting Ben as well as helping in the kitchen, and went back to the hostel with my stuff. Naturally there’s no room left at the inn even though I told them I’d be back, so I got left sleeping in the boys 8 bed dorm with two snorers that sounded like steam trains. Not cool! Luckily it was only for the night because Tuesday morning I took the tube to Victoria, the train to Gatwick, the plane to Halifax and then the bus to Prince Edward Island and here I am in Canada for the week!
I’m still working, as I was in Cornwall, which is great that I can work from anywhere with wi-fi. But the weather over here is still lovely during the day so I’ve been wandering around town as well. I’ll tell you all about when I’m back in London next week 🙂
Tags: Travel
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