We hit the shops today in the town of St Helier, walked up the main street in about 20 minutes, then went more thoroughly, checking out the shops, trying stuff on (ooo I found the nicest dress in one store – it wasn’t even that expensive until you convert it to Aussie dollars which I have to stop doing when I earn the pound). We both found a dress which we liked, funnily enough in the same store, de Gruchy’s, so if we still like them by Friday, we’re going to go back and buy them.
I was disappointed, I have been looking forward to my chocolate donuts (not just chocolate inside, but also chocolate dough) for nine years, of course the Vienna bakery no longer makes them. But the serving guy knew exactly what I was talking about and told me to try the bakery around the corner for the white-dough chocolate-inside variety.
That bakery did have the donuts, which we had to save for another day because we had already bought cakes from the first bakery hehe I had a chocolate ganache which was so rich I could only eat 3/4, then we bought a tub of strawberries to wash it down, only the bottom ones weren’t that nice so we took them home and made “dead strawberries” for dessert by cooking them in sugar in the microwave.
For lunch, which we had after the ganache, we bought a tub of made-to-go prawn cocktails from Marks and Sparks (Marks and Spencer – kinda like calling Target Tarjete) and went and sat overlooking the wharf to eat them. We caught the bus home and cooked vegies with cheese sauce and baked beans on toast for dinner. Quick, easy, light, relatively healthy – c’mon, beans have protein! I also had chutney on mine because it gave a taste contradicting the cheese sauce.
Ugly Betty was on tonight. Don’t read further if you don’t want to know!
I don’t know how far ahead it is over here, I don’t think by much but it’s certainly ahead. Wilhelmina is in bed with Bradford, Daniel’s brother turned sister has showed up in the face of Rebecca Romjin (think Mystic from X-Men), Henry’s long distance girlfriend has shown up putting a break on his ‘thing’ with Betty, even though he admitted he loved her, Betty’s sister got engaged to the father of the child, and Daniel gave Betty first class tickets for the family to go back to Mexico to let her father enter America legally. That was only two episodes worth and there’s still more I haven’t written! I suppose it was one of the shows I watched in the lead up to leaving. And we will be able to watch it in London cos it’s on normal TV channel 4 on Friday’s at 9.30pm.
Tags: Travel
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