BootsnAll Travel Network

The whole world at my feet...

This blog is for my family and friends, to let them know my plans and predicaments, my adventures and experiences. To let them know when I'm on the move or staying put, and maybe even when I'm coming home - don't count on it anytime soon though! are always on my mind, or at least at the back of my mind :-)

Hibernating, theatre-nating, Valentine’s Day and being Wicked :-)

February 18th, 2008

Last week I moved all the stuff I had accumulated at Imogen’s back to my place, and began to get myself organised. Having had several weeks to assess my current needs and wants, I began where any woman would – the kitchen – before settling into my room for several hours to Spring clean all the crap I don’t need or haven’t used or needed to organise. I only came out with a bag of items, so that’s not too bad. Since then I haven’t really stopped in time or space.

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Hampshire country, home of a heroine

February 16th, 2008

This weekend I was invited to go with Imogen down to Beaulieu (more pronounced as Burley), which is in the New Forest, Hampshire – in other words, Jane Austen country – how inspiring.

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…to say goodbye.

February 8th, 2008

On Tuesday Imo was alive enough to come downstairs, but I didn’t want her going to school for just one class when she still wasn’t 100%, so we brought downstairs her sudoko and a book of postcards she wanted to show Dad, and all her schoolwork she already had downstairs.

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Oxford and Dad back in London

February 8th, 2008

This weekend we took Imogen up to Oxford for her sister’s birthday. Imo and I were up and ready and rearing to go on Saturday morning, and met Lija at the Oxford Tube bus stop at Victoria Station to catch the 10am, which takes an hour and a half.

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Our weekend Italian adventure

February 6th, 2008

Lija and I flew to Italy for the weekend to go skiing for Lija’s birthday, yes that’s right, Italy for the weekend!

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Skiing in Italy

January 29th, 2008

Promise the words will go up soon, but for now here’s a video to keep you entertained!!!


Coming to you from my new post at Grafton Square (it is as posh as it sounds!!!)

January 24th, 2008

You won’t believe this, no really, you won’t. Many of you don’t know about my latest assignment, and I don’t mean the homework kind either. This is day one of my very first live-in job as a carer. And this feed is coming to you from the fifth floor of Grafton Square. I’m so high I can see the whole top half of the bright red lights from the London eye, up north in Westminster. The skyline is my perfect view, and the window with the desk sat in front is the perfect inspiration for any writer, amateur or professional.

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January 24th, 2008

I was reading over my blog the other day, and realised that I skipped straight from December to January without mentioning Christmas, which was a pretty memorable Christmas because I actually took time off work: shock, horror! 


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Running Dad ragged across London!

January 18th, 2008


Yes that’s how I feel. I don’t know whether to talk from now backwards, or begin and go along in chronological order. Well today was busy, usually Thursdays is a grocery shop and then not really much, but today my 9-9 shift also involved the doctor and the dentist, which didn’t mean much me time.

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One week into January

January 6th, 2008

Its 7.30 on Sunday morning and I’m already on my way to work. I’d like to say I’m halfway there but going from east London to Sth west London is not the quickest journey, especially when l have to swap for the national rail.

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