BootsnAll Travel Network

The whole world at my feet...

This blog is for my family and friends, to let them know my plans and predicaments, my adventures and experiences. To let them know when I'm on the move or staying put, and maybe even when I'm coming home - don't count on it anytime soon though! are always on my mind, or at least at the back of my mind :-)

France for the day!

June 5th, 2007

Last night at ten to twelve we decided to go to France for the day. As you do! We booked our tickets online and had to be at the ferry terminal at a quarter to seven. Two jet-lagged travellers who haven’t been up before 10am most mornings! Uncle Mark drove us there, and we were over to the coast of France in just over an hour. Read the rest of this entry »


Jersey Evening Post and dinner out

May 31st, 2007

I spent this morning at the Jersey Evening Post. It was really insightful, they have their printing press in the back of the building so Sue Le Ruez, the current editor, took me through the morning meeting and midday meetings, and Carl took me from there around the subs right out to the printing presses. Read the rest of this entry »


Jersey Zoo

May 29th, 2007

We went to check out the Jersey Zoo, now known as the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, which I doubt a lot of tourists would understand. But the difference is the majority of animals belonging there are on their way to extinction or being observed to help those that are nearly extinct. Read the rest of this entry »


Yuck summer weather

May 27th, 2007

It rained all night last night, and is due to rain for the following 36 hours, which totally sucks! But Gran picked us up and we went to visit Uncle Peter and his sister Yvone. We were there for several hours just chatting away but had to go home for lunch. 

We went out for a drive to Gorey Castle and St Catherine and had ice-creams in the car cos it was cold, wet and windy! 

Also gave Alex a call, it was Monday morning in Australia, his 18th birthday! Happy Birthday Brother! Hope you enjoyed it, we had a drink for you!


Jersey Foire

May 26th, 2007


 Today we went to Jersey’s annual agricultural fair at the Royal Jersey Showgrounds. It was a decent size for a country fair, with old cars and motorbikes on display, judging for the best Jersey cows, BMX motorbike display, judging flowers and floral displays, but as Gran said, the French made a mint out of us girls. Lija and I bought fresh strawberries, radishes, big green peas, olives, marinated mushrooms, pork sausage and brie and edam cheeses. We stocked up because we miss our fresh food and know that it wont be as good in London – we’ll probably turn vegetarian for a while cos meat is so expensive, even Sarah laughed at us and said she doesn’t buy steak in England! 


Although the poms get quite defensive when you mention ‘mad cow disease’, they reckon that time is well and truly over and their produce is all good quality now. 



May 25th, 2007

 We hit the shops today in the town of St Helier, walked up the main street in about 20 minutes, then went more thoroughly, checking out the shops, trying stuff on (ooo I found the nicest dress in one store – it wasn’t even that expensive until you convert it to Aussie dollars which I have to stop doing when I earn the pound). We both found a dress which we liked, funnily enough in the same store, de Gruchy’s, so if we still like them by Friday, we’re going to go back and buy them. 

  Read the rest of this entry »


Coast Drive

May 24th, 2007

Gran came and collected us today and we all went out for a drive up to Greve de Lecq, in the north of the island, where we had lobster for lunch. It was half a lobster, prawns, salad, and Jersey Royal potatoes (which weren’t cooked as good as Gran’s ones). Then we had strawberries and cream. Mmm yum! Then we went west to drive down the 5 mile road, and stopped along the beach for a Jersey soft serve.  

We ended up getting sunburnt because it was such a nice day!


Leaving London

May 23rd, 2007

It took us longer to get to Gatwick Airport than the actual flight to Jersey! We had our packs (14kg thank you very much) strapped to our backs and navigated through the East London line, across the Jubillee Line and up the Picadilly Line to eventually get to Victoria Station where we took the Gatwick Express to the airport in half an hour. Maybe an hour and a half all together. The flight was barely 20 minutes when you take away the landing and take off time.
Not to mention the descent takes place above the ocean and the pilot has to brake fast so he doesn’t end up back in the ocean!

Read the rest of this entry »



May 22nd, 2007

We went into First Contact today for our orientation and to set up our bank accounts. It wasn’t a long process and we were fairly prepared so we skipped out of there when done.
At night we had to get our bags over to Mile End, after sitting in the hostel room and sorting out the crap we wanted to take to Jersey and everything to leave behind. Dwayne helped us carry our 25kg suitcases up the three flights of narrow stairs and leave them in his and Joel’s room, where Lija and I will be for the first month.

Read the rest of this entry »



May 22nd, 2007

I’m a bit lost with the days, and although the jet-lag is over, Lija and I are still experiencing the deep sleep during the day. In other words, at about 3am in Australia we would be going through our deepest part of sleep, but 3am Australia is 6pm UK, so around 4pm here we both get really lethargic and start yawning a lot! We both now know what’s going on, but there’s not much we can do about it! Until we settle into a job in London where we have to be getting up and going to sleep at certain times – at the moment we’ve been getting up at 9ish and going to bed at midnight.
