BootsnAll Travel Network

Nice is nice

Day One

After a two and a half hour train trip from London to Paris, switching train stations via the metro in Paris and hopping on board a five and a half hour train ride to Nice, we are finally here.

As soon as we hit the southern France coastline we stopped snoring, snoozing and probably in my case drooling (luckily that’s not the case but Lija found out when I sleep sitting up my mouth opens – its like my jaw just cant be bothered staying closed or something!!!) we all sat up and watched – it was sooo beautiful, deep blue ocean, clear green close to shore, sun bathers on every stretch of beach we passed. We had to go through Cannes, home of the famous film festival, on the way, and found that coming into Nice the beaches turn to pebble beaches.

We’re staying in a simple 4 dorm hostel, luckily with air con cos its quite warm still. We went for a walk along the beachfront and back, watching those guys strapped mid-air to parachutes on the back of speedboats. Had omellette, trout then chocolate ganache for dinner – trout was beautifull, the whole fish came out on the plate and I got a special knife to use, it was so tender it just slid off the plate. Very nice.

Think we going to spend the day in Monacco tomorrow, only 20 minute train ride – going to see Prince Albert! hehe And then there’s markets in Nice in the afternoon.


One response to “Nice is nice”

  1. Mel says:

    Hi, good to hear the view in Nice is Nice. Must say, the view here has improved a lot in the last day too.. if you know what I mean 😉

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