Friday the 13th…
This week has been very productive in terms of work. Not all of my stories have been uploaded to the website although they are on the system.
Here’s one to check out:
Alice decided to become my music DJ and introduced me to XFM, which is a really good station for the kind of music I like. Radio 1 is driving me nuts cos they have a playlist they have to get through, and you hear the same songs 5 times a day – I happen to like these songs, but it’s just nice to hear something different every now and then!
The biggest music at the moment over here that I’m enjoying is: Arctic Monkeys – Flourescent Adolescent, Bloc Party – Hunting for Witches, The Holloways – Generator, The Killers – For Reasons Unknown, My Chemical Romance – Teenagers, Kings of Leon, Fallout Boy, everything Lily Allen and Mika, hmm I think there’s a few others but they’re my main faves.
We’ve had a new guy, David, join us at moneymagpie to, not only up the testosterone levels but, bring in his business experience to help the site.
Although this week has been funny in that apart from Jasmine and myself, everyone else has been coming and going, so I keep forgetting who I’ve told what! A lot of the week was spent proof-reading, checking links, and editing stories already on the system. It’s important that they’re consistent, not to mention correct!
Our Local
Last night Lija and I were introduced to Morg’s, our local. It’s actually called the Morgan Arms and it’s a two minute walk from home. Yes, all hail, we have become Londoners with our own local place.
We actually met John and Oscar down there, two mates of Carrie’s who we met at her going away party. John lives around the corner at Bow Rd.
Guinea Pigs?
Brenton came home last night telling us he was going to use us as guinea pigs and we’re like “Excuse us?”! Until he said, as part of his personal training (mmm it gets better) he got taught new massage techniques, so we’re like “okay, who’s first”!
Common courtesy
If you were going to invite someone over to our house, you’d let me know right? Just out of common courtesy. Of course it would be ok, I’d just like to be aware of the body on the couch the next morning when I trundle down for breakfast. Needless to say, we have just been implemented with that situation and none of us are happy about it.
The other non-courteous thing that Jackie’s done is leave two huge suitcases at the bottom of the stairs, which I told Lija and Digby if they’re not moved soon I’m going to put them out on the street. They are in the way and should go in her room. If she can’t carry them it’s just a matter of politely asking the boys to help her – hell, Dwain carried Lija’s suitcase AND backpack to the top floor!
And that folks, as they say, is all for now! I’m going off to enjoy my weekend, and naturally, you’ll hear all about it come Monday morning. Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!
(Can you name the cartoons and where the final quote comes from? If you can I’ll give you an online hug! – XFM’s night time DJ likes to give air hugs on the radio where he just mmmms and aahhhs a bit – hehe)
Tags: Travel
Well mara the cartoon is bugs bunny and the quote is from the truman show!!! studied it in year 10
So do i deserve an air hug or internet hug ?
went to pemms 21st last night, it was a great night although you were noticably missing! you would have been proud lol i’ll send you an email about all the goings on!
Just got back from high energy camp too. olivia wasnt on it 🙁 but i did get a whopper of a bite. . . black and blue bruise all they way! hi-5 to me.
I’ll send you an email later this week love ya xoxo amy
Never heard of massage techniques during personal training courses! 🙂
Oh Amy you’re wonderful! Long distance internet hug for you – mwah! 0()0 🙂
Oh, I feel so special being ‘noticably missing’ – don’t make me cry! Yes I need news! And what’s keeping me going is knowing that I get to see Ben soon – ok, i know its still months till they come, but im sooo looking forward to it! Hey go you with the bite – great job! My scar is still as prominent as ever! I look forward to a looong email!