France for the day!
Last night at ten to twelve we decided to go to France for the day. As you do! We booked our tickets online and had to be at the ferry terminal at a quarter to seven. Two jet-lagged travellers who haven’t been up before 10am most mornings! Uncle Mark drove us there, and we were over to the coast of France in just over an hour.
The French are similar to the Spanish in that they have a lunchtime siesta where most shops are closed between 12 and 2, but they also don’t open their shops until later when it’s a miserable day like today! We did a lot of wandering around the walled-in city of St Malo, took a small train ride around the cobble-stoned streets to hear about the history, and we ate, ate, ate!
We had chocolate and banana crepes with coffee for morning tea, pastries for lunch, these tartes which are like glorified cheese toasties but super yum and I had to order from a full-French menu which was fun and not that difficult – there were no nasty surprises! And we rounded off the day with chocolate ganache.
That combination and the choppy seas led to an uncomfortable ride home where I almost felt like being sick, walked around the rocking boat with the elegance of an elephant in an antique shop (i.e. nearly fell onto someone’s lap!) and swore no matter the delicacies never to eat right before getting on a boat in rough seas.
It was a nice day out though, not weather wise – it poured down with rain for most of the day! – but it was quirky and different, I would try and be nice, say Bonjour and whatever little French I could muster, which seemed harmless until a shopkeeper continued the conversation in French and I just looked at him with a stunned “I can’t actually speak French” look on my face! It was pretty funny, when I was searching for an answer I kept coming up with all these phrases in German, which means when I get to Germany I might actually be able to stay a while and speak the language properly!
Up on the giant wall there was this massive seagull, England doesn’t have pissy little Aussie seagulls, theirs are massive birds that you could probably roast and eat. Well, you know my take on the peacock at home. Anyway, this bird would not leave Lija alone, it kept thinking she had something to give it. Well, she took her ear spray out of her bag and the damn thing tried to go for her! These guys passing by overheard us telling it to bugger off, and said it is France, so maybe we have to tell it to bugger off in French! Hehe
Tags: Travel
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