Every bit of experience counts
Well, on Monday I start a student job at www.moneymagpie.co.uk A site run by Jasmine Birtles who is a financial expert. I went to meet her today and the rest of the team, three other girls who all seem very nice. They currently work from Jasmine’s home in Notting Hill, but it is on my tube line, only a halfa away and I don’t start until 10am on Monday.
The pay is enough to live off for the moment, but Jasmine understands it’s just a start, possibly some bylines, but I know it will be an asset to have on my resume ANY work to show that I just can’t keep away from the media while on holiday.
Talking about that, I have been keeping in touch with the latest on ninemsn and theage.com, looks like Nick is doing a great job at The Age, I also got to see one of Eleni’s online video reports from the ABC. Have emailed Jo, hopefully we can catch up soon. Still no sign of Alys???
I got a professional cover letter written up so I can apply for a few what they call entry level jobs, one ad has come up for a job I’d really like to have as a reporter for Metro. Metro is the morning free commuter paper. London has one free in the morning and two free papers in the arvo – London Lite and thelondonpaper. I really want to set my sights on the Metro opening.
After meeting the gang I walked back through Hyde Park to Oxford Circus and down to Charing Cross Rd. This road is most well known for its abundance of book shops. I was in heaven. Expecially all the antique and rare book collections. One shop had a 12 volume collection of Jane Austen’s works that were published in 1912, worth £12,000. Next bday present mum? 🙂
Actually one that seemed reasonable was a large volume consisting of Austen’s 6 most famous novels, bound in blue leather, for £26. It was beautiful. I would love to add it to my collection, just don’t know how I’d get it home.
Yesterday was summer soltice – longest day in the northern hemisphere. We also had all of London turning their lights out for the environment between 9-10pm. First time Picadilly Circus moving ads were turned off since WW2.
Tags: Travel
Hi. Happened upon and loved your notes of Adventures in Bookshops! As a bookseller myself, I would urge you to take courage and go in to talk to the shop management about that blue leather Austen. They may be able to deliver it to you; they may be charmed and delighted by your proposal to take it home a volume at a time; THERE MAY BE A WAY, HERE. (Anne Elliott would find one.)
Best wishes in the new job!