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Qantas conundrums

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

I’m sure everyone you talk to will have a current Qantas tale, but I wasn’t aware of mine until returning to London, where Nikki told me the plane I had been on had made the news.

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The Land of Oz: I Still Call Australia Home

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

What can I say? Quick as lightning, first I was there, then I was gone. I’m sorry for those of you who I didn’t get to catch up with, and thank you for those who made time to catch up with me. My whirlwind trip to Melbourne was short-timing but long-lived. Enough with the cliches, my grandma was asking me to blog the whole time I was there, but what can I say – I had better things to do!

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The first time spinning is so painful…

Monday, July 14th, 2008
It burns everywhere. I'm tingling and my head is going in circles. It feels like it's been going for ever but I just can't tell. My face must be telling its own story because I'm certainly not in control. I'm ... [Continue reading this entry]

Chasing the sun

Sunday, July 13th, 2008
I almost didn't get up today because my phone was dead so my alarm didn't go off. It was a Sunday, but breakfast only goes till 10am, so I was lucky enough to fit some in. The girls, who all went ... [Continue reading this entry]

Doing things, going places…

Saturday, July 12th, 2008
I spose I've told you about my latest trip but you don't really know what I'm doing and where I've been living. The answers are pretty easy - I've been back in the office writing for Moneymagpie and loving it, and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Partying on P.E.I.

Friday, July 4th, 2008
There was no heads up for this trip, because it was a little impulsively planned about a month ago, but I just got back (hopped off the plane 5 hours ago) from spending a fantastic week with Doug on Prince ... [Continue reading this entry]

Barcelona blues

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

Lija and I spent the weekend in Barcelona, which had it’s good times, but quite a few shitty things happened too. Well, I’ll start at the beginning shall I?! Hold your ... [Continue reading this entry]

May madness

Sunday, May 18th, 2008
I could actually claim that any month in my life is madness, but that would be too marvellous to think about. A little madness keeps me sane, on my feet, and there’s nothing I enjoy most than to hit the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Traveling Turkey: Galipoli and Anzac Day

Friday, May 16th, 2008
 Thursday 24th April  An early breakfast followed our wake-up call so we could beat the crazy Istanbul traffic out of the city. It was a peaceful drive out to Gallipoli, albeit five hours long, although we did break it up with ... [Continue reading this entry]

Traveling Turkey: Istanbul

Monday, May 12th, 2008

Turkey. One of those far off places that you hear about every now and then on the news, but doesn’t come up as one of the top 5 ... [Continue reading this entry]