Jersey Foire
Today we went to Jersey’s annual agricultural fair at the Royal Jersey Showgrounds. It was a decent size for a country fair, with old cars and motorbikes on display, judging for the best Jersey cows, BMX motorbike display, judging flowers and floral displays, but as Gran said, the French made a mint out of us girls. Lija and I bought fresh strawberries, radishes, big green peas, olives, marinated mushrooms, pork sausage and brie and edam cheeses. We stocked up because we miss our fresh food and know that it wont be as good in London – we’ll probably turn vegetarian for a while cos meat is so expensive, even Sarah laughed at us and said she doesn’t buy steak in England!
Although the poms get quite defensive when you mention ‘mad cow disease’, they reckon that time is well and truly over and their produce is all good quality now.
Tags: Travel
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