BootsnAll Travel Network

Hibernating, theatre-nating, Valentine’s Day and being Wicked :-)

Last week I moved all the stuff I had accumulated at Imogen’s back to my place, and began to get myself organised. Having had several weeks to assess my current needs and wants, I began where any woman would – the kitchen – before settling into my room for several hours to Spring clean all the crap I don’t need or haven’t used or needed to organise. I only came out with a bag of items, so that’s not too bad. Since then I haven’t really stopped in time or space.

No matter that it’s still winter and I should be hibernating like the ignorant underground animals, my bodyclock is matching the confused turtles and tulips. That’s right, I have a great picture in my folder of St James Park, with its tall bare trees unable to overshadow the bright green and yellow budding tulips sprouting all over the ground. The media also paid homage to the turtles in England that are waking up too early and owners are being told to keep them in the fridge until real Spring.

I don’t need to live in the fridge, and however much I want to stay hiding under my duvet that just ain’t gonna happen, so here I am, going full-steam ahead.

On the good news front, I’ve been getting lots of free tickets for the theatre. During our last week, Imogen, Lija, Naomi and I went to see Ring Round the Moon, which Imogen’s gran was keen to inform me she saw 50 years ago on stage, as it’s a classic Christoper Fry play.

Last week we got tickets to The Magic Flute, which was an African take on Mozart’s original score. It was great, it was in the same theatre as Orlando Bloom’s In Celebration we saw last year, only this time they raised the stage so it tilted forward, which was good cos these are the first tickets where we’ve been stuck in the back of the theatre. Yeha that’s right, it’s just not good enough for seasoned theatre goers, free or not!

And this week we have Saturday night tickets to see Legal Fictions at The Savoy, which sounds ultraswanky. And with no money cos what’s left is going on the next trip, we’re looking forward to a bit of free entertainment!

Last Thursday, known as Valentine’s Day, we had a girls night out where I took Imogen out to dinner at my favourite Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, making sure I wished our chef a Happy Chinese New Year, which he was very flattered at, and then we met up with Lija and went to see Definitely, Maybe. It looks like a rom-com, but with the acting talents of fast-growing-up Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine) and our very own Isla Fisher, and the damn hot Ryan Reynolds (who needs acting talent with a smile like that) it rose above just being a chick flick.

Talking about chick flicks, I finally bought a soundtrack I’ve been wanting for aaaaggges, ok, since last November. It’s the soundtrack to the West End musical Wicked, the story of the witches of Oz, which has to be one of my absolute favourites, and I think I’ve been going through the soundtrack probably three times a day (yes it’s playing in the background while I’m sitting here typing this) and I know all the words, and yes, when I’m walking down the street and can’t see anyone in the general vicinity I tend to belt out a few lines of whatever’s playing at the time.

An interesting part of it, oh wow and I feel like I’ve got de-ja-vu sitting here telling you this, but I read that Wicked was written around the wars of the early 90s, and when I listen to some of the songs I can pick out bits that have political connotations, especially in the Wizard’s song – he says to Elphaba that

“where I come from people believe lots of things that aren’t true, we call it history…

A man’s called a traitor or a liberator…is one a crusader, or worthless invader?

It’s all in which label is able to persist.”

Scary that people can write with such meaning hidden just below the surface.

Oh, and I read that the author chose the name Elphaba, because it comes from The Wizard of Oz author L.Frank Baum’s initials. L. F. B.

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