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Thursday, July 28th, 2005

I think I was just in a mood yesterday. I had been walking around the center in the middle of rush hour, people bumping into me, dodging cars, I was a bit annoyed…luckily, it only lasted for a few hours.

City life blahs…(just a few thoughts of the moment)

Wednesday, July 27th, 2005

Being in the city was really getting to me today. The hoards of people, the car dodging, the constant squeeking of bus breaks…

I know I´m not much of a city person when I travel. That´s why I never stay in the big cities very long. It´s day 4, and I´m ready to leave BsAs. It`s fun when it`s new and everything. But man, now it´s just become overwhelming…gotta stick it out here till Sunday tho, that´s when Sean will come, then we´ll be off to Sierra la Vigilancia.

I have some things to do here still, like find out about busses to Iguazu, lodging, trains to Mar del Plata, etc etc etc.

Not sure what´s on the plate for tomorrow, but I think I´m going to check out the Madres marching at the Plaza de Mayo, see what that´s all about…maybe do the Casa Rosada thing tomorrow — it didn´t work out today. You have to get the ticket yourself — only one per person. So I may try to stand in line tomorrow for it…

Still lots to do around here…like going to La Tigre, and I´m thinking I may want to make a daytrip to La Colonia, just to get away from the hustle and bustle of BsAs.

I have yet to go to the rock climbing gym…it´s a bit aways, have to take the subway to get there. I emailed the guy from who is here in BsAs, mentioning that I may want to check out the Realization gym on Friday or Saturday. Sounding like a bum…

Will try and put some more pics on the site tonight…

teaser pic

Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Laura at the hostel was able to burn my pics onto a CD...yes!!! Here´s a teaser pic from my first day in BsAs...

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...that would pretty much sum up the day I had yesterday. I´ll start out with the morning...and you´ll see the odd kind of luck that I have...misfortunate yet fortunate... So yesterday ... [Continue reading this entry]

Robbed in Buenos Aires!!!

Tuesday, July 26th, 2005
Yup, it finally happened to me. After these years of travelling and experience, I finally got robbed...more details to come tomorrow... Don´t worry, I´m okay, still have my passport and money, it´s just my camera and my pride that is ... [Continue reading this entry]

These boots are made for walking…/Estas botas son hechos por caminando…

Tuesday, July 26th, 2005
Julio 25, 2005 - Lunes I had typed out quite a bit, then it mysteriously disappeared (mystery keystrokes that make your entire post delete..ugh) here´s a shorter version of what I did yesterday... ...I went to the tourist office on Santa Fe ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, July 26th, 2005
fuck, i just pressed some series of keys and erased my whole entry..have to start over..shit shit shit...i remember this happening to me last year, too..doh!

¡Llegué´! / I arrived!

Monday, July 25th, 2005
Note...since most of the readers are English readers, I have decided to change the format and put the English first and the Spanish (shorter version) below...
I made it!!! It has been a busy day! The flight from DFW ... [Continue reading this entry]

In the beginning…

Monday, July 25th, 2005
No Spanish for this entry...too lazy for, trying to figure out these keyboards! July 23, 2005 - Sat 6:20pm. I am here at DFW, waiting for my connection to BsAs. I will board in about 30 minutes... Airports are interesting. ... [Continue reading this entry]