BootsnAll Travel Network

The Cliffs of Moher

The Cliffs of Moher are absolutely unbelievable. I would attempt to describe the hundred foot sheer rock, in the mist, waves crashing into them on the bottom, while on top there are pastures that would put the greatest greens keeper to shame, but words cannot do this place justice. You can go to the internet, look for pictures, and you might say, wow, that is incredibly beautiful, and it will not compare to being there. Some of the locals were complaining about how touristy it is, but it is touristy for a reason, they are incredible. We took a Healy bus tour, and the landscape of ireland its absolutely beautiful. For those who were asking, namely Neil and Rino, the hostel im staying at is Kinlay. Kate came with me and eddy, which i guess is commendable that she would spend a day with us after going out with us last night. We returned, and kate left for her train to dublin, then she’s flying to france where she is doing four months of learning french. I’m going to be going to visit her most likely, or she will be meeting me in switzerland. Both our digital cameras broke today, hers was dropped on the first stop of the tour by the man taking our pictures and mine was being pissy with batteries (now it wont even turn on, and its completely screwed up) so we bought a disposable, his name is snappy, and he is my knight in shining armor. I used all the pictures on the tour today, so i guess ill be carrying them around when i get the developed, so if you see me while im on the road, you will see the awesomeness that was today.

We’ve got some pretty cool roommates tonight, three other canadians, and an old guy who wanted to know wher the tv was and hasnt been seen since. The plan for tommorrow is to go and check out the greyhound racing track we saw, theres a rugby field right next to it, so maybe there will be something going on there to watch, and then head towards the shannon airport and maybe stay a night in the a B&B somewhere. We leave for london on the 27th, and for Salzburg on the 28th.


2 responses to “The Cliffs of Moher”

  1. lydie says:

    i’m living vicarioulsy through these blogs.
    i looked at pictures, admired the beauty. but of course, not to the full extent.. maybe next spring i’ll get to…
    advice: if you’re meeting kate in switzerland, 1.) you’re going to be a BUSY boy, aren’t you? lol. and 2.) don’t meet in geneva because it is dull.
    no. i shouldn’t say that. i’m sure it is less dull in beautiful weather and if you can in fact afford purchases at Louis Vuitton.
    anyway. i enjoyed the drunken blogs too. hooray for inebriated writing. keep me posted. 🙂

  2. keltie says:

    i was at the cliffs of moher too crazy guy! too bad we didn’t bump into each other.
    although..while you were observing..i was cliff diving off of them…you know im a pro.
    im glad to hear you are having such cool experiences.
    take it easy mike!

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