BootsnAll Travel Network

Church Wine and Train Weed

Well the past couple days have been spent wandering florence, I didnt get to see the David this time, but I will be headed down there next wednesday or thursday for the following reason:

I took my disposable camera to the shop to be developed, it would be ready in one hour. I returned about an hour and a half later and discovered bars over al the shop windows and the door firmly locked. From what I gathered with my translation abilities, this was a special day, the only day in fact that they were closing early but not to worry, they would re-open at nine the following morning. At 9 the following morning I would be in Switzerland. So I wrote a note in the simplest and most legible English I could manage saying that I had missed the opening and would be returning for the pictures, so to please hold on to them. That settled, Tara and I walked up a lot of steps, up a large hill and eventually made it to a church. She looked around inside for a while, I opted to stay out as I have a weird little thing with churches, and I saw a gift shop just outside. Upon inspeciton of the giftshop, I decided to get a souvenir. My Christ Chianti was a bottle of wine for only 6euros, and it was going to be for later that night. We walked down a few more steps and watched the sunset over florence, and it was one of the most incredible sunsets I had ever seen. All of a sudden an explosion of pink and orange came over the town, reflecting off the river and the tile roofs of the houses, with the mountains in the backdrop.
From there we returned to the hotel, I got my things, we had dinner of dipping day old bread into mayonaise and I caught my train. There was a school group of kids on the train and a couple americans I met. The americans and I started drinking my wine so that my pack would be lighter and the cramped sleeping quarters would seem more spacious, and we met a girl from brazil who was in the school group. She shared some of her wine and offered to let us in to smoking the joint they had a few cabins down. I declined, the other two said sure and I was put in charge of buying the next round with the americans guys money. I did jsut that, went to the bathroom and when I came out the whole car smelt like weed. I also learned the word gonja translates across all languages. We stayed up drinking and talking until about 3 in the morning, and went to bed. This morning I arrived in Bern, caught a train to Neuchatel and hopefully I will be meeting Lydia at some point today, otherwise I fear it will be Park Time 2: Harder and Colder. Look for the update, hopefully its not a sequel.


2 responses to “Church Wine and Train Weed”

  1. Katelyn says:

    hey hey there kiddo!

    How’s my favourite back-packer? wow 6 euros for a bottle of wine, that’s a steal! Florence sounds beautiful and that sunset must have been incredible! I have only seen the sunset from the North American view point, Italy must have been amazing! Getting a bottle of wine from the souvenir store, oh mikey! and i don’t blame u about the whole church thing, it can get awkward. So how was the train ride? It must have been nice buying drinks with somebody elses money! only the Americans! Well i definetely hope Lydia shows so that u don’t have to spend another night in the park. It is cold and sometimes the squirrels aren’t too friendly, keep an eye out. Well i gotta go, I’m coaching water polo tonight which should be interesting. As long as I don’t smoke some kid in the head with the ball or cause someone to drown i should be good. I can’t be a harder coach then Bill Brewer, but we shall see. Can’t wait to read the next one and I just emailed u back as well!

    luv ya,

  2. Kat (Rino) says:

    Must say that day old bread dipped in mayonnaise does not sound appetizing to me. I hope that you get your pictures back that would kind of suck if you didn’t. Cheap wine good, stoned americans funny, and cold hard bed bad. Sunset beautiful, Churches eerie, Lydia mysterious. Short email, work in morning, long school day. Parts for our Cabaret casted, class up in arms, men starred, 31 women left out (shafted, but still singing backup). Great dance day, sexy spanish like dance, also very fosse (my specialty). I’m not excited to hear about Lydia, but interested. hahaha. Love you muchly, miss you mostly. If this made sense nod your head.
    Jibroni, Rino Ob1

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