BootsnAll Travel Network

Change of Plans

So I have a plane to catch tommorrow to Barcelona, I won’t be on it. I have fallen in love with Paris and France, and I will be staying here for some time. So I haven’t updated the blog for a spell, and here is a rough breakdown. I met my dad in Paris, ate my face off, eddy left. Me and my dad rented a car and drove up to Dieppe, along the coast to Mont St. Michel, down to Anger and along the way we stopped to see his uncles grave, and then from Anger we went to Versaille, and from Versaille we returned to Paris. I could go on and on about the absolutely incredibly, beyond descrpition french food that i had, but I won’t bore you all with the details. Lets just say its good. And leave it at that. So on my trip, in very brief, I saw the Juno Beach Centre, Juno Beach, a museum about Dieppe, alot of Canadian Flags marking the sacrifice made by the Canadians in northern france, I saw some incredibly beautiful chateaus and churches, I came to the conclusion that gargoyles are Jesus’ minions of darkness, I was an excellent navigator and got us to our destinations in a timely and gas efficient manner (despite anything my Dad says) and I ate alot of great unbelievable food if I forgot to mention that. So now I’m in Paris with my dad, the final night, we went out for steak, for a beer or two, or in his case calvados, which is a stronger drink that feels as if you are being given a curb smiley every sip of the way down.
So I’ve fallen in love with France, I will be trying our for les ducs d’Anger, a French League hockey team who has two French Goalkeepers, one who is apparently about 150lbs. So I sent off a couple postcards today, a couple more to go tommorrow, and a few more the next day I think. Basically I’m just having a great time, this post is to just let you know what I’ve been up to, I’m going to make another post just with some random facts or something, and I hope everyone is enjoying their time at home. I have realized how out of the loop I am, so if you have any news from home, or even if your home is not mine, and you would like to share what you have been up to lately or your plans for the near future, it would be great to hear whats been going on outside of my travelling bubble. Apparently its monday, I just lost a day of my life, I need a calendar.


2 responses to “Change of Plans”

  1. Lindzzzzz (AKA trevor) says:

    well we all know my home is ur home..and nothing is new…this was a good comment eh..damn i wish i could eat some of that french food…mm im hungry…sorry not much to say cuz im currently talking to yanno…but i always leave a comment..its tradition..please dont stay in paris we want you to come home eventually…alright well peace out.. keep on drinking and stuff i know i will…cant wait for my post card/letter…whatever it happens to be lol bye bye

  2. Kat (Rino) says:

    Oh Mikey. I check this blog everyday and curse your name if I see nothing new. Today I didn’t get home till 8:15pm from school because of train delays and tap class. It was possibly one of the most wretched and tormenting days I’ve had this year and before I opened the blog I said “Mike if you do not have a new thing written down I will hate you forever.” and instead you put 2 new things on. It reminded me how you can always make me smile. To make you smile, here is my lunch. At Taco Bell 2 soft taco supremes, a fries supreme, 2 medium coke, and 2 scoops of chocolate and rasberry cheesecake ice cream from Baskin Robbins. Are you proud? and then 10 mins later, I did a tap class. I will email you as soon as I can crawl away from homework. Miss you dude, say Hi to your Dad for me. I haven’t seen him since Grade 8 I don’t think.
    Love You,

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