BootsnAll Travel Network

Athens actually….

So maybe my post last night was done in haste, it looks as if I will not be heading north but instead I leave in a couple hours to get to Bari, Italy again, the place of the famed ferry port, to catch a ferry on route to Athenia, where I will be until Friday when I will fly to Germany to catch a sleeper train to Prague, and then from Prague to Amsterdam, and then from Amsterdam home.Yes, that is the itinerary, and as I’m sure we all know, it is set in stone. So the countdown is on, T-10 days, and then I will be back in the wilds of Waterdown.

The last post didnt really express what I have done as of late, and as I have time to kill right now, I will tell you about my time in Rome. I arrived in the pouring rain, mcdonalds lady etc etc. I was meeting Tara but I had no idea when she would be in or where she was coming from or if she was going to make it or what. I took a chance and went to the train station and bam, she was on the train that I was sitting at the track waiting for. It was difficult, looking for Tara, as she is of greek descent and I was waiting for a train coming from the southeastern coast of Italy, but I found her nonetheless.We wandered the streets for a while, found a weird little brass band playing and had some meat sandwiches. The next day we checked into the next hostel,which isn’t a hostel at all but a campsite about half an hour outside of Rome. The plus is that no tents are required as there are cabins. The cabin we stayed in was bare walls, a mattress on a metal frame, a rickety wooden bookshelf to put your clothes on and such, and a light. It was probably 8ft by 8ft but lord was it cheap. I didnt even get a chance to sleep in it that first night, because we met some other canadians who were celebrating thanksgiving by going to a blues club that had live music. We tagged along, but we missed the show, so we ended up at an Italian Dance Club until 5 in the morning, didnt get back to the cabin until 730, then I went to bed and by 1130 I was training towards the Vatican. Two hard days of sight seeing followed by laundry last night and me buying a pair of jeans, and hear I am, en route to Athens.

T minus 10 days.


One response to “Athens actually….”

  1. Katelyn says:

    Hey kiddo, how are ya holding up? I bet ur excited to get home! 10 daysssss!!! The wilds of waterdown are waiting…lol. oh its wild 😉 ! So by the sounds of it you got a little thanksgiving in there… or at least something like it (minus the turkey). Uve had some late nights too haven’t ya darlin… 730! ur a tank mikey! so last stops are Athens, Prague and Amsterdam… sounds like a good way to end it. anyways… 10 days will be here before ya know it. Enjoy the rest of ur trip and I’ll see ya soon!


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