This is just an update on the other rubbish. Once the cheque’s in the bank, the publicity will start…
6th Feb
Dear Mr Parry
I have now received your insurer’s advices following your email.
They have unfortunately reconfirmed their original advices that this incident does not fall to be covered under the terms of your policy.
However, they have some sympathy regarding the circumstances and are therefore prepared to make an Ex-gratia offer of settlement, in the sum of £500.00 in full and final settlement of your claim.
If this is agreeable, please confirm in writing (email is OK) & we will arrange settlement by return (please also advise where/how to pay).
Could you please also confirm you have no other insurances (travel etc) which may also cover this loss.
I’m sorry we could not be of more assistance, but hopefully at least we have made some headway.
Best Regards
Garry Moore
8th Feb
Dear Garry,
Well, thanks for that. You’ll understand my disappontment at the latest turn of events. Not only because the insurance companies continue to to hold out with their ultimately unenforceable reliance on their interpretation of of the clause in question, but also because there is, as you know, another little get out (with inevitable further delay) hidden within your note.
I have made the error of being unfailingly honest since the attack and intend to continue to do so. However, one can’t help but wonder at the exhortations of your industry to clamp down on fraud, when unfailing honesty on a client’s behalf is rewarded only by weasel words and a refusal to accept liability.
Still here goes.
Of course I have travel insurance. The reason I took out insurance with your company was because you advertise it as being specific for notebooks when valuable item limits on normal travel insurance is limited. That insurance is hopefully paying for my camera, although their fabulous little bit of legalised limitations precludes cover for sunglasses. On a travel policy! It appears as though you’re all at it!
Anyway, while we all think about the implications of someone going on holiday for 6 months actually taking out insurance to cover distressing events I would like you try one more time. If I am forced to accept the derisory offer mentioned in your note I will be a very unhappy man. And unhappiness, I find, spreads misery to all. However, I will be significantly less unhappy if our friends at AXA and AmTrust can find it in their vast coffers to actually make an ‘ex-gratia’ payment which equates with my efforts to reduce their liability based on the much reduced quote I have given you.
Please try one more time and get back to me as soon as possible. If they do not agree to pay the fair amount please forward me all correspondence between you and them. Whichever happens I will send details of where to send payment on receipt of your next note.
John Parry
10th Feb
Dear Mr Parry
I am somewhat confused & bemused by your reply.
We are not trying to delay or prolong any settlement and indeed whilst not to your satisfaction feel we have dealt with your claim quickly & responded to all questions in a timely manner.
We ask for any other insurance as a matter of industry practice, it is not unknown for property to be insured several times and you can imagine what potential several claims for the same item would bring. This question is asked on the claim form & was unanswered. By your response, I assume your travel insurance did not include the laptop.
I have again spoken with the insurers (we do not correspond to save time) and they have maintained their position.
If you wish to take this further, I attach a copy of your policy which includes the complaints procedure for you to follow, which is your next course of action. This would entail withdrawal of the offer as the claim goes through the formal process.
However, if after due consideration the ex-gratia offer remains acceptable, please advise in writing as requested.
Best Regards
Garry Moore
13th Feb
Hi Garry,
I can guarantee you’re not half as bemused as I am by this whole caper. I’m unfortunately finding out all about ‘industry practice’ and it is never in my favour. I thought I’d filled in everything correctly, however, you assumption is correct as there is a valuable item limit.
New bemusement is afoot in that there is not even email correspondence, given the industry’s reliance on every dot and comma to avoid fulfilling its responsibilities. Do you mean, when you indicated you would pass on my comments, that you read them over the phone? Twice? With someone taking notes at the other end. Bizarre.
You are aware of my unwillingness to go through a formal complaints procedure as this will take too long, with a high likelihood that the industry will protect itself. And I need a PC now. Needed it three weeks ago, actually. Also, you have me over a barrel as I’m 13000km from home. A long way when trying to get a wrong righted.
As such you give me no option to to be forced to accept the derisory offer in full and final settlement of this particular claim.
Will that statement suffice? I hope so as internet access is patchy in Southern Patagonia, to say the least. The address for the cheque (in my name) is … My flat sitter will confirm when it has arrived and I will be able to check it has cleared on line.
Looking forward to confirmation.
John Parry
13th Feb
Dear Mr parry
I confirm your emailed acceptance is fine.
We will raise the cheque tomorrow & forward to the address stated.
I am sorry you found the policy not to suit your requirements, but hopefully we have at least dealt with your claim in a timely manner & concluded to at least a reasonable compromise.
please note that as the Insurers policy liability is now complete, with this settlement, policy cover is no longer in force and a new policy will need to be taken out, should you wish to insure the new equipment.
Tags: Travel
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on Monday, February 13th, 2006 at 3:24 pm and is filed under Travel.
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February 16th, 2006 at 7:37 am
I cartainly do hope that you will be publicising that company. Don’t just leave it. They are criminals and so ar the travel insurance lot (no sunglasses? The policy says that this is what your eyebrows are for – it’s clearly stated).
That Garry bloke is a smart arse and his job should be the first to go when Watchdog get in touch…
Is he taking the piss when he says “new equipment”. Are you going to buy an Alba laptop with the cash?
February 16th, 2006 at 7:38 am
Sorry, that wasn’t the poor clare, It was me…
February 16th, 2006 at 11:42 am
Garry is the managing director. The only way he can go is if the company goes bankrupt…
Trust Chester is fun.
February 19th, 2006 at 2:26 pm
Is that why he’s Garry and not Gary? I want to see his birth cert.