Robbing Bastard!
Can´t believe I chose Safe European Home as yesterday´s tune.
Yes I´ve been robbed. Bloke was about 45, balding with a paunch – if you see him, kick him for me. For the first time on this trip I actually had my notebook out on the street with me, entirely lulled into a false sense of security by the apparent civility of the place and therefore checking for wi-fi compatible places.
My bag was on my knee under a table in a street cafe. Got to admire his panache, but if I was going to lose all my expensive posessions, I´d have preferred it to have been a street kid in Bolivia or Colombia, not some professional wearing a suit. Imagine him opening the bag. Camera, yes, sunglasses, yes, copy of Gulliver´s Travels, Mmm, $2,500 notebook. YES!
So until I get a replacement, I´m afraid these post will be rather short and with no pictures – much relief abounds, I´m sure.
People in the cafe were very nice, refusing payment and calling for a security guard who got me to the right police station. Only problem is, I have to go to another one tomorrow to get the report for my insurance. Also, I didn´t realise the camera was gone, so that will induce extra problems tomorrow when they think I´m an insurance fiddler.
So I´m a bit stuck here until all the paperwork is sorted. Also, I´m unlikely to find replacements anywhere other than here, so I might as well go shopping. It´s a pain though as shop assistants in expensive shops in SA tend to be very snobbish and they get on my wick. Still, here goes.
Good luck to all. The nice policeman infers that the song for today should be I Love A Man In Uniform by The Gang of Four. There were many other song titles with swearwords, but I think I´ll focus on the good stuff for today, and perhaps always. Here´s to a quiet night without a jukebox. Better get drunk.
Tags: Travel
January 24th, 2006 at 8:22 pm
that sucks! i suppose the only positive is that you are in a place where you can replace them fairly easily, rather than the middle of the rainforest. its always bastards in suits! be it stealing your bag, running your country in a totally corrupt manner, or acting like a dick on big brother.
January 24th, 2006 at 8:38 pm
Nice quick response – cheered me up. Right, off to the pub.
January 25th, 2006 at 12:33 pm
You didn’t hear a scouse accent shortly before your bag went? Just a thought.
January 25th, 2006 at 1:45 pm
As you can see – I´m laying the blame firmly at the fascist dictator`s door at this stage – mind you, for all the investigations the police are entering into it could be a bloke with `Laptop Thief – I Nicked The Gringo`s Stuff`tattooed on his head and we`d be no nearer a resolution…