Let’s move…
It’s Sunday, 10 days before departure. I spent the week end to order everything in the flat and clean. The real move is in exactly one week. It’s getting close ! Almost all the other works are done. I guess we will be ready concerning all this material things, will I be mentaly ready I don’t know exactly. For me, things are going quite crazy these last days. I went to Prague for two days last week (just for work, I had no time to hang out unfortunately),
Friday was very busy at work, it seems that everybody would like to conclude their projects before I leave. After a really nice dinner friday night, the weekend was again busy between cleaning, ironing, packing, washing (see the pictures, they talk by themselves). Next week, my last one at work will be a little like crazy : finish packing, work (a lot of meetings and also train the colleague who will replace me), welcome Jenny, finish the administrative work, have a last party with Parisian friends, move and prepare our bags.
This overbooked schedule does not let me enough time to think that within few days, I will stop working for more or less a year and travel around the world. I even don’t know what out schedule will be for our first weeks of travelling. I guess that we will have to think about that in Prague, the starting point of our trip.
So basically today when people asks me about what I feel, I can’t clearly answer. It’s a mix of excitment (what a trip we will have !), impatience (specially to finish all these preparations), fear (it’s a real adventure for me : discover unknown countries ; unknown cultures ; stop working for a lot of time : since I was 3, I haven’t had such long holidays ; think about how I will be after this experience) and also proudness (be able to do what I really wanted to do since I started to work and moreover with the person I love). Depending the moment of the day, these different feelings are taking different importance…
Well, I guess that everything will be clearer in a few days or at least it will be different. Don’t worry you will be able to follow (specially if you speak french because soon I will write in French to allow people that speaks only this easy language)…
But now it’s time to go to bed. Tomorrow starts my last week of work !!!
Tags: Trip Preparations
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