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Archive for October, 2005

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Zagreb to Budapest

Sunday, October 16th, 2005

Zagreb was a pleasant surprise. It’s not a really popular stop on the standard backpacking circuit, but we decided to break up the long trip between the Croatian coast and Budapest with a stop in Croatia’s capital. Our arrival in the city was not so exciting. We came on one of the infamous buses (that averages 30 miles/hr) and when we arrived, we were stuck in a traffic jam for another hour. (I had to pee the whole time, so you can imagine it was a fun afternoon for Fabien.) When we arrived at the bus station, we prepared ourselves to meet the old women shouting “sobe” and to our disappointment there was no one there… so for the first time in a couple of weeks, we had to look for a place on our own. We went to the youth hostel, a dingy, seven floor building with squeaky doors and dingy rooms, but at least we had a warm bed to sleep in. The temperature also dropped considerably from the coast to Zagreb, so I put on everything in my backpack on and we went out to check out the town.
The architecture was very similar to Prague, the cafes and bars were packed and the prices were considerably cheaper than we found on the coast (this is actually a town for the locals and not the hoards of tourists.) We spent a couple of days just wandering the streets, popping our heads into shops and churches, and shopping the local market for great picnic makings.
We left yesterday afternoon on a train to Budapest. So, here we are, the last stop on our European adventure. I’ve been here a few times before to sort out my Czech visa and visit friends, but it’s a city that definitely has a lot of energy. We got here last night, met a few people at the hostel, went to a light/music festival on one of the main squares downtown and hung out a bit. Today Fab and I climbed up Gehlert hill, the highest point in Budapest, to get a view of the city. Tomorrow, we’re going to spend a day relaxing in the thermal baths…life is good.
I’ll write a bit more before we head off to Asia. This has been a great warm-up, and as always, I’m in love with Europe.

Sobe, Croatian buses and other highlights

Thursday, October 13th, 2005

After almost two weeks in Croatia, a few small things have impressed us. The first (and maybe our favorite) is the ˝sobe.˝ Sobes are just private rooms in peoples houses that they rent to travelers. When you reach the bus station or the ferry station, you are sure to be bombarded by a bunch of old woman (sometimes young women or men) offering you rooms in their home. The price is negotiable, and for us it saved our budget and gave some negotiating practice for the markets in Asia. Each time, we agreed on the price before we saw the room, and in most cases we were pleasantly surprised by the quality of the room. In fact, twice, we negotiated for a double room and got a full apartment with washing machine, kitchen, bathtub to ourselves. It also gave us an insight into how people live, and their taste in kitchy Catholic wall art.

The second thing in Croatia that struck as odd, is the bus network. Every long distance bus also acts as a local bus, picking up and dropping off people all along the way. What this means is that the trip, for example, from Sibenik (on the coast) to Zagreb (the capital) a total distance of 240km (180 miles) takes about 6 hours.

Croatia has been a wonderful country to travel. We spent a week and a half on the coast (since Istria, we’ve traveled through Dubrovnik, Korcula Island, Split, Sibenik, National Park Krka) and now to Zagreb. My favorite means of transport was definitely by ferry. A lazy afternoon sunbathing on the deck, drinking beer and playing cards definitely beat being crammed into a bus for a crazy amount of time.

Today we traveled from the coast to Zagreb, and left the warm summer sunshine to return to the European autumn. Only 6 more days before we finish the European part of our world odyssey.

J + 29 : en approche de la fin de notre aventure Europeenne

Thursday, October 13th, 2005
Dubrovnik nous a laisse une tres belle image du sud de la Croatie. Cette ville fortifie entre montagne et mer a vraiment un cachet particulier. Pour moi, l'une des plus belles villes que nous ayons visite. Malheureusement un peu trop ... [Continue reading this entry]

Photos and other tidbits

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
Yes, we are taking photos. Fabien is obsessed with pictures of charming stone alleyways and beer bottles (he likes to document all the different beers he has tried.) That said, we have decided to post the best photos from this part ... [Continue reading this entry]

Des photos !!!

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
Nous voulions mettre des photos sur notre site plus frequemment mais cela s'avere difficile. Nous rentrons en France prochainement (2 semaines - ca passe vite), nous essaierons d'en mettre quelques unes en ligne. Pour l'Asie, nous allons essayer de trouver ... [Continue reading this entry]

J+22 : a la decouverte de la Croatie

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
Voila une semaine que le blog n'a pas ete mis a jour. En fait, nous avons eu peu d'occasions de le completer tant notre emploi du temps a ete charge. Nous nous attelons aujourd'hui malgre un temps clement a le ... [Continue reading this entry]

Ljubljana to Dubrovnik

Thursday, October 6th, 2005
We've made it to Dubrovnik, Croatia. It's a great place in the most southern part of Croatia on the Adriatic Sea. The town is completely surrounded by walls that were built in the 15th century and it sits between the ... [Continue reading this entry]