Life Goes On
Life goes on here in the Hann Plage, CVD. After painting and also fixing the fibre of the hull we got the boat into the water but there’s quite a bit still to do. We have to put the new cross beam thingie on the mast and also put back a lot of winches and other fittings. The inside needs a slight redesign so we’ll be cutting and fitting some wood. There’s some other little stuff do to but also stuff we’ll (or actually they’ll) be leaving for a later time.
Like the engine. I just found out today that we’ll be going to Cape Verde without the engine working but apparently that’s not a biggie. I also found out that the toilet on the boat doesn’t deal well with toilet paper. Guess which issue gives me sleepless nights.
The day of our departure keeps being put back but I’m okay with that since I’m learning new things working on the boat every day. Lipfi put his Motorbike in the paper so we’re leaving later to give him a chance to get it sold. Lipfi and Mina’s mission has been to drive a car down from Europe and sell it in Africa. They sold it in Mali and then bought motorbikes to sell in Senegal. Lipfi says he made money on the car but lost on the motorbikes. The next part of their mission is to fix the boat and get to Cape Verde and sell the various clothes and beads they’ve been gathering along the way (things from all over Asia and Africa). Also run a sushi restaurant on the boat.
What my mission is, I don’t really know. My aim has mainly been to get to Cape Verde and take it from there. I might end up pitching in and helping Lipfi and Mina and making some money (I might be doing Japanese massage if the market presents itself and I learn the skills in time). I might end up getting a ride on a boat to Brazil (I have one open offer with some Swiss people already for approximately the week after I arrive in Cape Verde). I might end up living in Cape Verde and just chilling there for a long while.
I dunno. But a life without aim isn’t always aimless.
Tags: Senegal, Travel, Tag Index
January 19th, 2007 at 5:48 pm
Hi! I’ve been reading some of your inputs and I must say that I get very inspired! As we have dark and cold days at this time of the year (sweden) I tend to dream away by surfing to various places on the earth via internet. And you have coverd the western part of afrika! I hope the trip to cap verde will run smoothely! To be continued!nrnrKarin
September 30th, 2010 at 10:36 pm
[…] seasick caught me pretty much by surprise, after all I did live on a boat for a few months but I suppose I’ll have to work at regaining my […]