BootsnAll Travel Network

Deadline Looms

I am almost at my self-imposed deadline for organising visa for Morocco. So its time to start planning and I think I’m going south into West Africa. I’ll try to extend my current visa so that I can stay in Morocco till after Ramadaan, but if I don’t get that right I’m leaving in the next two weeks. Travelling while fasting should be the opposite of fun but I’m just going to have to do it.

I was a bit skeptic on the whole idea of going to Mauritania and Senegal but then came across a website that stoked me. It was the first website I checked, and I only read the first page, but I’m stoked nonetheless.

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No Responses to “Deadline Looms”

  1. Waleed Says:

    There’s just enough time for me to write this response before I leave for the day. Actually didn’t do anything today at work as there were no callouts. We will start getting busier from next month as we will have to do some installations at all NedBanks as wel.

    But let me tell, I’m thinking of heading to Botswana and Zim…something along the same lines as what you did about 3 years ago? I had a look at the Botswana tourist website and it looks like there wont be any issues getting in just wondering about Zim though. Please feel free to give some advice on travelling to those countries MR Traveller.

    The trips to Mauritania and Senegal should be interesting tawt you were going to Ghana? I wonder why you have such a hassle to get a an extension on that Moroccan visa?

    And yoh, I don’t envy you travelling in Ramadaan bru but then again, the Ghalied I know is a Die HARDER kind of guy that would rather take the gravel round than the tarred one right next door.

    Speak to you in the morning inshallah, one my way to getting my wife and daughters. Doesn’t that sound nice!

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