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List of Stuff

Thursday, March 16th, 2006

While I’m punching away at the keyboard, I been jotting down on a page next to my elbow a list of things that pop into my head that seem important for my exile:

  1. Moroccan Embassy (for visa)
  2. Tickets (I hear via Madrid on Iberia is the cheapest)
  3. Guide book (Lonely Planet or Rough Guide)
  4. TEFL addresses
  5. Backpack
  6. Laptop
  7. Shampoo (how did this get here?)
  8. Removable Harddrive (probably for all my pics)
  9. Digital Camera
  10. Info (w.t.f.??)
  11. Phrasebook
  12. Car cover

I bought the laptop and shampoo, also found out about visa’s [can only get i month travel visa and upgrade there to work visa] and ticket [only British Airways have a one year open return and its just over R8000].

Oh, and if anyone knows of a cool site I can put pics to, it would be much appreciated. The firewall here at work blocks photobucket and imageshack. This blog is going to be bleak without pics. Unless this test here…Me thinking… works.

First Post

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

What am I up to now? Waiting for the end of the month. That’s when I hand in my resignation. Then its off to book a ticket to Morocco. That’s about all my planning for now. Ya I’m stoked but nervous too. I mean this is a helluva step and not lee way for me to mess in. There’s so much goede that go wrong but I’m going to mission anyway.

Meanwhile trying to find jobs in Morocco over the net. Not much luck so far so I’m starting to gather physical addresses of language schools so that I can pop in and hopefully they’ll be desperate enough at that time to hire a fresh TEFL teacher with no experience.

Oh, this blog will update a lot while I’m still in my full time job but I don’t know how things are going to be when I go to Morocco. Now going to figure out how to add pictures here…