BootsnAll Travel Network

Next post is from another country

SunsetOkay, so this is it. Inevitably when leaving you check on all the stuff you’re not going to be able to do for a long time and you try to do them. Of course, there’re lots of things I still want to do in Cape Town, but also part of my deciding to leave was that I had done most of the major stuff I wanted to do here. So I can’t think of anything I really really want to do before I leave.

Lots of tiny outstanding items that itch at the back of my mind but in the long run, I figure it’s really not gonna matter all that much. I’ve had farewell lunches and suppers and a farewell gathering with friends. Now I’m starting to say goodbye to family. Never been much of a family bra though so I’m wondering if I’ll put in enough effort to get to all of them (plus my family is vark big).

jean pantSome of the items I need, I haven’t bought. Mainly because sometimes I rather go without if I don’t get the exactly the product I want. Jeans and takkies (sneakers) for instance. Levi’s changed their original 501 jeans cut slightly. I know this because I’ve been wearing the same style for 15 years about and was plenty pissed off when I tried to replace my current jeans and it fit differently. So I’m going to Morocco with jeans (a jean pant?) breaking apart because the new style doesn’t cut it and I just don’t smaak the whole effort of trying different brands and styles.

braaiSince my takkies was nationalised last year I’ve been looking for other takkies. I don’t mind trying on takkies because it’s less effort and the size on display usually fits me. But yessus it’s kak difficult trying to find plain comfortable takkies that’s not white. I even looked online for my old style of Nike’s but I found nothing. I tried to compromise and bought a pair of white Adidas but only wore them a couple of times. Not to mention that white colour made me cringe every time I put them on.

So now I’m going to Morocco with broken jeans and no takkies. But hey, hopefully in Morocco there are styles that appeal more to me and also the Levi 501 cut is still original. I’ll never know till I go…

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