Singapore – Kuala Lumpur Days 6/7/8
So last I left you all I was deciding what to do during the last half of my day in Singapore. I decided that I was going to go to Chinatown and buy some stuff because I had not bought anything. After trying to walk to some other markets which I couldn’t find even with Fredericke’s quality directions, I hopped on the train which took me directly to Chinatown. I was basically out to get some shirts and some bracelets and stuff. I had already bought the all important patch for my pack, so that crucial trinket was taken care of. After walking through all of the stalls, I found which ones to buy from, and tried my hand at haggling. I ended up getting two cool t-shirts at a good price and three bracelets for 10 SGD. After that I was happy and it was time to get back to my hostel to relax a little before I had to get to the train station.
Also while on my way to Chinatown I noticed all the locals were looking in to the Singapore River. I stopped and realized that the locals were fishing in this murky water. So I took some pictures because I thought it was interesting to see locals in their everyday environment. One of the locals next to me where I stopped along the bridge started chatting with me, and we had a good conversation. The people in Singapore were extremely friendly, willing to help with directions, and quite nice, so it was a pleasure talking with them.
I finally got back to my hostel and had like 2 hours to kill before I had to go. I saw Fredericke and Arnould watching a movie on the laptop. They had taken Wedding Crashers (thanks Mike!) from my computer because they couldn’t figure out how to work it and were watching it on another bloak’s computer. I took my newly purchased microphone/headset use with skype and gave my parents a call as I hadn’t called them in a few days (I also bought that first in Sim Lim Tower for 5 bucks and again found the best price available by far).
It was 845PM Arnould had left to catch his flight about an hour before this, and it was my time to say good bye. Even though I had only spent a few days in Singapore at the Inn-Crowd Hostel, I really made some good friends, had great conversations, and it was a little sad to leave. It always is because most times I feel that if I an extended amount of time to go off and travel with some of these people that it would blossom in to a really good relationship. I mean a lot of people just do that, but unfortunately for me most times my time is limited and everything must be planned. I mean earlier in the day three guys (Ben, Nick and Grahame), just decided to go off the the east coast of Malaysia and take it from there. I thought that was really cool especially since none of them knew each other before Singapore.
So I managed to luckily find a taxi to the train station as it was a public holiday and the number of taxis were limited. I arrived about forty minutes early like they had advised and filled out the necessary paperwork for immigration, both departing and arriving in Malayasia. The line was long and took forever, it was a pain moving my bag three feet every few minutes, and oh it was really hot and sticky, what a surprise. I finally went through with on problems and found my little private first class deluxe birth on the train. It was small, but clean and nice, and I had the bottom bunk (which I paid more for), and was praying to g-d that there was not another person. It is pretty uncommon because of how expensive it is to go from Sing – KL unless you have first come from KL and are using the second half of your return ticket. After waiting and waiting, anxieously listening to when the door to the car opened and to hear where the footsteps ended, nobody came and we were off!
I was chilling back, on my little bottom bed, the birth had a tv (didn’t work), and a bathroom, and good storage space with reading lights. Immediately I was sleeping. I laid down and next thing I knew I was out like a light. This was the first time in five days I had a place to myself, where it was quiet and comfortable. Unfortunately the sleep was short-lived as the intercom went ringing and an announcement came. We had to disembark the train and go through customs again for entry in to Malaysia. I got all the way to the officer and had forgotten my entrance card and departure card from Singapore. So I had to run all the way back and get it, then wait on line all over again. Oh well.
But again we were on our way to Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur.
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