Home, or something like it
I arrived home at about 10 this morning. I cried when the plane landed and I cried again when I saw Mum. I would like to say thanks New Zealand for showing me who I am, what I can be, and thanks Sydney, Bangkok and Hawaii for showing me what I want in life. I know where I’m going now I just need to find a way to get there.
I thought I would say thanks to everybody who’s actually read this blog. I’ll post the last few posts about the last few places in the next few days, but now it’s time to settle back in to my parents Virginia home for the two months I’ll be here.
If you have any questions, if you have criticism in forms more constructive than name calling, or if you just want to tell me how amazing I am (I won’t complain) then feel free to email me
And maybe you could answer a question for me… where should I go next?
Tags: Travel
You are amazing, it must be genetic