BootsnAll Travel Network

A rant

Just been reading other people’s blogs from across the internet and some of them really get on my wick. Why does everyone have to be so worthy and pretentious, having great big long monologues about why they travel, what prompts them to hit the road, how we all have to seize the day and run through every open door? Maybe I’m just very unsentimental but just get on with it and quit with the navel-gazing. Travelling can be amazing, but it can also be lonely, boring, heartbreaking, pointless. irritating and bring you into contact with really annoying people from all over the world. When I get home I’m going into hiding. I’m sick of meeting people. My big discovery on this trip is that I don’t really like people that much. And my own company is no great shakes either. I’m neurotic and insecure, prone to wild mood swings, an insomniac, lousy at relationships and have unpredictable patches of dry skin around my ears. My hang-ups should have been refused by Canadian immigration. They should have been clamped by customs. “No, I’m afraid you can’t bring that hang up in here,” they should have said, shooing me away.

So I’m going to go home and hang out with my parents and my Nan and quit this whole travelling malarkey for a few months.
Phew. That got that off my chest. 


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