First Days on the Road
Currently in Westport, WA, with only 20 minutes to spare at this public library. Here are the vital stats for the first few days of my bike journey…
Number of flat tires: 0
Number of logging trucks sweeping past me with those heavy gusts of wind: too numerous to count.
Number of other cyclists encountered going north to south: 5
Number going south to north: 1
Also heard second hand about a Brit that started in Los Angeles. All he’s had is wind and rain. He’s continuing up to Canada, then biking ACROSS, then south to Florida where he hopes to finish in November–apparently, that’s when his health insurance ends and his plane ticket back to England begins.
Day 1, 30 easy miles
Day 2, 75 miles
Day 3, 63 miles
Day 4, 56 miles
This has been harder than I expected. I haven’t really gone for any training rides since last summer’s Seattle to Portland (sorry Mike, can’t go with you this year), and I’ve never really cycled with a fully loaded rear and front rack. Thus, my peddling is sluggish and I am still trying to get used to carrying all this weight. Plus I need to make sure everything is in good balance, because everytime a big logging truck zooms past me, the wind they create can blow me off my bike if I’m not careful.
I have been blessed with great weather, knock on wood. I was scared about rain, but so far, so good. I have been freezing at night though. My flimsy sleeping bag from 15 years ago isn’t doing me much favor in the evening, especially the first night when the wind whipped and howled and found little crevices in my cocoon to chill me as I tried to fall asleep. As a matter of fact, I woke up at 4am Tuesday morning, and wanted to get riding right away but I had no light. So I “snoozed” in til 5am, and was on the road at 5:30.
There have been some times where I have been discouraged about my ride. I suppose it comes down to my bike and how I’m feeling. As far as my bike goes, yes, it is my 7th grade bike of 20 years ago, not fancy at all. I didn’t think gearing would be an issue, but when 3 other cyclists whiz by me and I’m trying my hardest to keep up to their pace, it does come down to equipment, of which I am poorly set up. My back brakes are virtually useless, my front ones are just about finished, and yes Mike, I read your comments, you are absolutely right about my bald tires. I roadtripped with my Honda on poor tires, now I’m doing this with my bike.
I wish I could post pictures of my ride, but the library won’t allow me to ‘possible infect’ their computers, so maybe I’ll find web access in the next few days to update this entry. The scenery has been incredible. I’ve ridden past deer, coyotes, countless birds, and took a cheese and cracker snack break while watching two boating fly fishermen battle a 25 pounder than got away. My pace is slow, maybe only 6-9 miles per hour, but my body is feeling it. My leg muscles are very sore of course, but so are my hands and my arms. There is pain when I lift up my arms, so I am trying to be consistent with my stretching after every stop I make.
I’ve only used my tent once. My first night I came across a church with a huge grassy meadow. I knocked on the door and received permission to sleep there, under the stars in my sleeping bag. Tuesday I used my tent, Wednesday I slept tent free, but tonight I’ll probably prop it up.
You can tell that I’m trying to squeeze all my ramblings in before my minutes expire, nothing is much organized but I wanted to give an update on my ride. My food diet has been PBJ, cheese, crackers, chocolate bars, bananas, cereal, tuna, and an occassional ‘splurge’ at a fast food joint. All in all my first few days of riding have been pleasant and I am happy that I’ve had the chance to do this. Whether or not my bike makes it completely to Mexico is another story, so I’ve changed my plans to ride at least until San Francisco and then decide from there if my bike is travel worthy for more abuse. That’s all for now, I know I’m leaving a lot of details out but hopefully I’ll be able to update this blog again before next Friday. Until then, send good thoughts my way about my bicycle’s health (and me too!)
PS Go Beavs! Win tonight and they go to the College World Series title game against North Carolina!!
Tags: Travel
Edwin, have a fun and safe trip! Be careful and hope to see you when you return.
Hi Eddie,
Nice to hear from you again. You mentioned your arms and legs are sore, but what about your bumm? And have you taken a shower since you left? If not you may want to go through the drive through at the fast food joints and spare the other custoers, Mr. Stinky Butt. Have fun and watch out for those truck drivers!