A Little Thank You
Ever since we checked into the Manor cottage we have had a amazing cleaning lady named Angelina. Saddly she lives in a shack even though she works so hard. So we decided to repay her for her services and kindness by taking pictures of her and giving them to her.
Angelina is off Sundays so we thought it would be best to do her pictures then. At first we had trouble finding her at the graveyard which was where she was whating to take us to her house. When we arrived a bunch of kids were standing outside their shack (which was by Angelina’s shack) in their best clothes. So we took pictures of them while Angelina found her daughters.
When Angelina got back we took pictures of her daughters and her and everyone by themselves. After we took of them we went into her shack to look around and see if we could take pictures anywhere inside. Angelina’s shack was not as bad as some of the shacks. It had a kitchen and dining room as one room in the shack and then there was two bedrooms. She had a hot plate, fride, oven, toaster, washer and water booler in her kitchen. Along with other kitchen supplice, like plates and cups.
After we were done looking around Angelina’s shack we went to Angelina’s sisters shack. There we took pictures of Angelina and her sister and Angelina’s sisters kids. Angelina’s friends house had a game room with a pool table and bar chairs. Then they had a bedroom and a kitchen. Angelina’s house was a little bit nicer but there still nice shacks compared to some.
The people that live in the townships may be poor, but they our happy and greatfull for the little things they do have. They do not starve our have no clothes though. They get by. We our glad we captured this in our because Africas not all poor and dirty.
Tags: Cape Town, Children, Photography, South Africa, Township, Travel
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