BootsnAll Travel Network

Where we are

THIS is where we are, exactly. Not the little green arrow, but the green roofed building behind it, is Chris’s apartment complex. You can see that we are right next to the channel. We love google. It’s fun to click on “satellite” and zoom in and out; it can make you feel really, really small, but also not so far from home.


Chris’s friend Becca took this photo. I like it because were getting sauced in front of the convenience store. Prime-ing is key, and usually involves a couple trips into the 7-11 (which are still around, and still awesome, no slurpies though). One night Melissa and I were walking to the train station to meet Chris, drinking on the way, when we noticed a couple of police officers headed right in our direction. Their eyes seemed to be dead set on the gaijin (us) in front of them. Our natural reaction was to hide our drinks, walk straight, and say hello rather nicely. As soon as we got in range, we bowed and gave a “konbanwa!”. They got a huge smile on their face and replied just the same with a lower bow even! Of course it’s not illegal to drink on the streets but they could’ve wanted to see some ID or something, but why would they, they’re Japanese cops, the nicest people in the world. Japanese cops even pick up litter in their spare time.

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One response to “Where we are”

  1. Al says:

    Are you sure that’s where you are? All I can see is interstate? :-))

    Glad ya’ll are having a great time. Enjoy.

    love ya’ll

  2. admin says:

    Your right, we must not have gotten the link right. We’ll have Chris try it again. Check tomorrow.

  3. Rcon Pascua says:

    whut!? a 7-11 without slurpees? I would have to agree on your observation about the Japanese people. They are really, really nice. anyway, this means you’re really having a good time there, right? will b looking forward to your upcoming entries. 🙂

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