House For Sale
Vanessa says I’m supposed to start my posts with “This blog is from Hope”.
This blog is from Hope:
Well good thing my house is for sale. I fell in love today and I am moving to Tuscany. I had one of the best days I can ever remember. We travelled through Tuscany for an hour to Florence. We spent the day with our tour guide Trudy (a Dutch woman-married-Tuscan who has lived here for over 40 years). She was both fabulous and bitch at the same time. She sent us to her favorite jewellry store….you know the kind where you have to ring the bell to be invited up……shoulda known right then and there to turn and run….but oh NO, this is Hope we’re talking about…I don’t even want to tell you how much I spent on the the bracelet I bought. Good thing I have no children, they’d go hungry for 3 months. Oh, but does my wrist look beautiful….make sure you tell me that when you see it.
Venizia and I have come up with our own language. One of our favorite words is ‘Suckorita” – Spanish or Italian for a tourist woman who falls sucker to latino type shop keepers (and there are many).
Let’s see what else did we do today. Well we shopped. Since we are in the heart of Tuscany, I bought truffle oil and truffles and truffle sauce. I bought silk scarft, leather business card holder (God knows I need business cards so to prove I have a job to pay for this trip), change purse, credit card holder, and the list goes on. Mamma always we shoulda been born rich instead of beautiful….she’s never been more right.
Every day gets better, we get up – tired as all heck – but so excited.
We had the best meal of our lives today in Florence. Can’t even explain it so I won’t. It did have a cream sauce made with white truffles, so you can imagine from there. I asked the restaurant owner to adopt me….oddly for an Italian man, he didn’t take me up on it. Odd because as Trudy says “there are 3 major sports in Italy…soccer, sports cars and women”. Then we had dinner in the Italian restaurant on the ship where we had a 4 course meal for $20. And the wine over here is incredible, I never knew Italian wine, but I think I have now grown bored of the Spanish ones and am moving on to the Italian ones (you know I am talking about wine here right…..? hee hee hee).
Mia amigos…time for us to go to bed so we can be excited for tomorrow in Nice. Finally – somewhere I can speak the language…although have to say, growing up in Little Italy paid off this week.
Tags: Travel
Vanessa what was you favorite part of “David” I bet I can guess, god you girls must be having the time of your life. Enjoy. The french Riviera should be great, I told Hope to buy a new bikini and so should you and parade it proudly in front of all those lusting frenchmen.
MOM (jackie)
Jackie, I have to keep my comments clean on here…and will admit to nothing!! Haha Spiranza and I decided the other night that “what happens in the Mediterranean stays in the Mediterranean”!
Make sure if you buy a house in Tuscany there is room for a Mother-in-law suite because wherefore thou goeth I goeth too.
Vanessa you are supposed to keep the yolk on that spendthrift, oh well it is only money and I bet her wrist looks tres magnifico.
Enjoy the french Riviera. Buy a new bikini both of you and sport it proudly among all those horny frenchmen.