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Monday, November 15th, 2010

And we’re back

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

We’re both back on Canadian soil. And we are both fighting nasty colds. At least we waited until we got home!

We have lots of memories and tons of pictures. I was going to load some here but I don’t have the energy to figure out which pics to load what with my aching head, runny nose and hacking cough. So glad I have one more day, Monday, to recover before back to work Tuesday.

Thanks everyone for following our adventure. We appreciated having an audience and sharing our escapades.

I guess I should tell you that we did brave the cold, rainy weather on Armistice Day (Nov 11) and made it to the Arc de Triomphe, and then the Eiffel Tower. Did lots of walking that day, which was the nastiest we’ve encountered. I think in one post I said that we were within walking distance of all the major sights…we certainly were not. The maps they give you are definately not to scale. So we did a lot of walking, took the metro a few times and taxis the rest of the time. Anyone know a good massage therapist? I could use about a gazillion one-hour sessions.

Off for a nap. A bientot.


Returning home

Thursday, November 11th, 2010
It's early Friday morning and we are getting ready to have one of our final French pastries for breakfast (along with the great coffee here at the hotel). Our taxi picks us up in 45 minutes (7:30 am) and we ... [Continue reading this entry]

Aching feet

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010
Hello everyone. The two blueberries are tired tonite. Today we braved our way around the metro stations to make our way back to the Gare de Lyon, hoping to obtain the items Hope lost on the train the other day. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Desastre no’s 2 and 3

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
Arrive Paris, full of energy and excitement into rush hour crowds flowing into one of e busiest train stations in the world. Wow, Parisienne hustle and bustle. Get tickets for metro to take us to our B&B. Get on the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Les grands Desastres!

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
Are you sitting down? Monday was a series of small, very stressful and frustrating disasters, but it all ended well due to our new friend at the Paris Clarion. We got out of the medieval dungeon ok (aka the B&B) ... [Continue reading this entry]

Frustrations…but finally PARIS!

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
Bonjour everyone! Yesterday was very frustrating for the 2 blueberries...BUT we are finally here and safe and eager to start exploring this beautiful city. We are no longer staying at the intended B&B but in a Clarion hotel a few ... [Continue reading this entry]

On y va….

Sunday, November 7th, 2010
C'est la vie de Vanessa et Esperance, we stroll, we dine, we wine, we buy, we sleep, we cheese (did you know that cheese is now a verb), well in France it is. We're off in first class tomorrow on the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Last night in Provence

Sunday, November 7th, 2010
Vanessa here. So we're back at L'Jardin de Marie for the evening, taking it easy and preparing for our trip via TGV train to Paris tomorrow. We have enjoyed Aix en Pce but we are eager to get to Paris ... [Continue reading this entry]

Le chat devant moi (the cat in front of me)

Saturday, November 6th, 2010
Everything is provincial as they say. This place is bustling with people. Apparently everyone comes to town on Saturdays, and we saw them all. Finally, Vanessa and I did not feel so out out place as the humidity picked ... [Continue reading this entry]