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Archive for October, 2010

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We Made It To The Ship

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

We’ve been cruising on the ship now for about 4 hours. How on earth this ship floats with all the people, food, alcohol, etc. I have no idea! But wow is it nice! So many places to eat, drink, listen to music, dance, not to mention the hot tubs, shopping, spa, pool, running track, climbing wall…it’s never ending. I’m actually looking forward to a full day of cruising so I can catch up on some reading and sleeping. Hope is looking forward to a workout and maybe a massage.

Right now i’m at the Schooner Bar which is one of the wifi hotspots on the ship – it seems these spots are conveniently located where alcohol flows…but not freely if you know what I mean. But they are not pressuring me to buy anything so that is bonus!

There’s a fellow singing Neil Diamond right now – he’s quite good and yes, I’ve been known to hum a sing or two of his! Speaking of music, I’ve come to see how music brings us all together. Everywhere you go over hear you hear all the music we listen to in North America. Even our 50 year old taxi driver today, who didn’t speak any English, spoke to us about music, referring to the songs that were playing on his radio on our short ride to the cruise terminal. He liked Van Halen, ELO, Rod Stewart…it was pretty cool relating to each other through radio tunes.

Ah, must go check on my travel partner. I’m sure she is enjoying her hour away from me! haha

Ciao for now
PS we are now 7 hrs ahead until next Sunday when those of you back home all move your clocks back.

The real goods.

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Ok, here’s the thing…
Upon arrival in our 6×6 European hotel room, and seeing our twin beds pushed together, and there’s about a total of 2″ available to spread them apart, Miss Vanessa gar s the door hanger which reads “no molestar” – fornthose rusty in their spanish, it means Do Not Disturb, that’s our girl playing with the double entendre!!!! It’s become thebhandy catch phrase many times. You know what they say, you don’t really know someone ’till you’ve shared a 3 star cell with them. That was Friday.

Hope says ” am I annoying you yet”?
Vanessa says “no”……..30 seconds later….
Hope says “how ’bout now?”………no answer

Later that day…..
Vanessa says “should I light a candle in the bathroom?”

We’re still friends….good thing, we still have 2 weeks to go.

Now about Oliver for those who asked, he’s our new German friend from the Black Forest, and is daughter Georgina (aka GiGi). He hosted us on wine, cheese, risotto and a cheating round of “don’t get angry” in which the 6 yr old won ( big surprise).

Oliver is a friend of a friend who risked taking in two blazen cowgirls for an evening, poor chap, he got off relatively unscarred, and may even welcome us back.

More later….it’s Saturday night, we must explore the 10′ wide, dark, gothic corners of every street, in search of the Batcave.

True Barcelona Hospitality

Friday, October 29th, 2010
Vanessa says: Hope and I have so been enjoying this beautiful city. Today we strolled through the gothic quarter, where we are staying, and toured the Picasso museum. Amazing! We are looking forward to seeing the Sagrada Familia tomorrow...and more ... [Continue reading this entry]

The day has finally arrived!

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010
Vanessa says: Departure day! When Hope first suggested this trip 6 months ago, it seemed so far off. Where on earth did the time go? We fly out of Calgary today at 1:15 pm. Flight to Frankfurt is 9.5 ... [Continue reading this entry]

Almost ready to go…

Monday, October 25th, 2010
Vanessa says: Vanessa is now officially on vacation. The girls leave in approximately 1.5 days. Vanessa is busy goofing off, packing, re-packing, attempting to design a simple blog, worried it's too complicated but willing to wing it. Busy ... [Continue reading this entry]