Almost ready to go…
Vanessa says: Vanessa is now officially on vacation. The girls leave in approximately 1.5 days. Vanessa is busy goofing off, packing, re-packing, attempting to design a simple blog, worried it’s too complicated but willing to wing it. Busy writing on this blog in the third person. She has time on her hands.
Hope, on the other hand, is still busy working. And then she might have a cup of green tea…and then work some more. She needs a holiday. Hope travels so much her suitcase already contains everything she could possibly need. Not sure exactly when the next post will be. Thanks for reading this far and we’ll try to be diligent in our future “wifi-connection required” posts. Ciao.
Tags: Travel
Enjoy the trip, ladies! Travel safe – Mike
I think you are a coupla days into it now. Hopefully u are both fully conversant with conversational spanish at this juncture. Total immersion for two whole days now. I see new translation careers on the
We will be watching the blog with baited breaths(s). Expecting details of your upcoming running with the bulls, or as i call it ‘Scrambling screaming from the Bulls with newly soiled underwear’.
Until later, have fun times girls.
Vanessa says: Hope has done much better than I have with the language. I get by with hola, adios and gracias. We’ll be in Italy tomorrow so need to brush up on the Italian…but almost everyone speaks some English so we’re quite catered to. Interesting note, bull fighting is or will be outlawed in Catalonia, where Barcelona is. It is still popular in Madrid apparently. Wonder what the catalonians would think of our rodeos?
I trust you and the family are keeping well and keep those comments coming. We are trying to blog when we can but it’s hard to remember where on this darn ship the wifi hotspots are…and then getting to them can be a challenge as not all the stairways on the ship have full access front and aft. There, those are my cruise ship terms of the day. And it’s, of course, not entirely a snap to get connected so one or the other of us ends up in frustration.
Signing off…ahoy matey.
Bon voyage and don’t bring home any strays okay. Oh Well okay you can bring Mama a rich spanish new husband….new PaPa for Hope. LOL.
Have a blast and learn to dance the tango and flamenco.
BonVoyage Girls! Have a wonderful time and keep those “cards & letters” coming! God Bless & keep you safe.
Hi Hope and Vanessa,
Let the journey begin…safe travels, good wine and food and gravol as required. Watch out for the european men…they love beautiful Canadian women.
Looking forward to your updates and pictures.
Hope you have a great trip Van. Have fun at the Mulan Rouge!
LOVE the blog! Can’t wait to read more as your journey evolves! Enjoy every minute (as I know you will)
Wow, wow, wow! Can’t wait to hear about it and see the pics! Ness, you need to write. This first blog entry had me in stitches. gotta get you a book deal… have a blast!!!
Hi Ali. Nice to hear from you – it’s been too long, little cuz! I’m obviously pretty new to this blogging thing…and not sure I can handle all this pressure!! haha Anyway, hope we can post some interesting stuff for you’all 🙂