BootsnAll Travel Network

A day on the Amalfi coast

Ok, I’m a little slow on the blog – this boat’s IT system just does not like me at all. So Here I am in the library, instead of the champagne bar. Anyway…

Well yesterday we started the day very tired as we 2 blueberries had stayed out way too late the night before at – yeah – you guessed it – the Karoke bar. You should all know that my years of vocal training and 3 (or maybe 4) glasses of wine were not well combined as I took the stage and made Canada proud….er-uh, well actually not, they may take my passport away. Of the 200 or so people in the lounge, the one other Canadian said I put Canada on the map – only because I added in humour to make up or what wasn’t coming out of my mouth as music.

Before that was the pantyhose fiasco. I know those were invented by men just to torture us. I got over that, we got all gussied up and went to the formal dinner – the one where we gracefully glide into the dining room. Um, how graceful can one (me) be in 5″ stilettos (also invented by men by the way).

Yesterday was Naples, Pompei, Sorrento, the Amalfi coast, the buffalla mozzarella and olive farm, and really really sore feet. Good thing for me, we had an hour to stroll and that Italy is famous for shoes, I had to buy a pair to relieve my aching tootsies. Everyone reading this will know me well enough, breathing is a good enough excuse for me to shoe shop.

Learning of the day for yesterday: little ‘ol Pompei had 22 brothels in its hay day (no pun intended). There were ancient paintings still visible on the wall inside the brothel, which by today’s standards would be porn (albeit quite Romanesque, pre-baroque era porn). The tour guide told us it was the Pompein catalogue for the customers – kinda the sears catalogue of its day – NOT. To top it all off, in each “activity chamber” was a 5×4 stone bed and that’s it. As I looked about, people had cocked heads and grimaces on their faces – they were obviously trying to imagine just how one would enjoy “sex on the rocks”.

Bella Vanezia and Bella Spiranza are staying in tonight and crashing early after a long day in Roma, eating pizza, followed by high tea with that dude who wears white dresses and hangs at the Vatican. It was another long day of sore feet, ya think he woulda blessed these size 10’s of mine, but oh no – “you must suffer” he said. You know what I say to that – huh – go buy another pair of damn shoes, ones more comfortable yet, the search is on and so are we for Florence tomorrow.

Anyway, we were a couple of sour pusses today as we didn’t get any time to shop in Rome, today’s tour guide kept us going step after aching step across 17th century cobblesone, consider her lovely but was truly the Tour Nazi (oops, better watch that word here, a little sensitive they are still).

Overall, Roma (apart from sore feet) was spectacular – Spanish Steps, Coliseum, Vatican, Bernini, Pizza, Trevi fountain – so much culture for these gals from Cowtown. We loved it all, especially the Vatican, who could have imagined it would be so breathtaking.

Abraco everyone, see you soon.



One response to “A day on the Amalfi coast”

  1. Jackie Deveau says:

    Sounds like a whirlwind tour, I can relate because Egypt was like that. Taking lots of photo’s I hope am so anxious to see them when you get home. Have you seen many place that you would like to spend some extended time there.
    I miss you and hope you have a wonderful experience tomorrow.
    Don’t want an Italian husband they are to misogynistic for me But if he had a really lot of money I would consider it. Then I could be the real MAMA MIA
    Have fun, by the way I love the blog comments they make my day.
    MOM (jackie)

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