BootsnAll Travel Network

Who Is Really Guilty???

One thing that is starting to really bug me is the finger-pointing that we do towards other countries when it seems like we have some responsibility for their problems.  The cocaine trade in South and Central America is a good example.  I love (not!) when we expect a poor country to spend money and resources on a problem that is caused by us and then we lambaste them for not addressing the problem the way we want or for not addressing all of their other social ills.  Believe me, the citizens of these other countries take note of our hypocrisy and it is not making us new friends.  Our hypocrisy actually causes Fidel, Chavez and others to gain in popularity.  Something is dreadfully wrong with this.  I would prefer we stop talking so much and just lead.

The world spent $1.2 trillion last year on military weapons.  Of that, America spent almost half.  Yet Washington continuously spews crap about how other countries are over-spending on weapons and bad things are going to happen.  In the meantime, we drop more bombs, shoot more bullets and lay more mines than the rest of the world combined.  Combined!  A report this week came out against China for being responsible for mowing down the rainforests.  I’m sure a lot of that wood does go to China.  But does it really stay there?  Or is it converted into products which we then consume?  Since wood is expensive and China is still not a wealthy country, I am betting that the real culprit in the destruction of rainforest is Europe and America.  But it sure does feel good to read that those bad guys in China are the real problem!

Today’s worthless report from Washington lists all the countries who traffic humans –  Is it no wonder that all of our biggest enemies are on the list?  Look up San Francisco’s problem with Asian prostitutes and I think you’ll get a clue as to who is really responsible for human trafficking and slavery.  Although I am sure all of the poor countries have some responsibility in cracking down on this, it seems to me that the countries consuming the slaves are more responsible.  While I don’t have a problem with Amsterdam’s red light district, let’s not fool ourselves that the righteous Dutch have created a perfect destination for sex slaves. 

It is so easy to sit on our wealthy little islands of the first world and tell everyone how bad all the poor countries are for producing drugs, arming their militaries and selling their people.  Makes one feel good and proud of their nation.  It isn’t solving any problems.  It is causing the gulf between us and them to widen.  And it increases the problems because those that think they are not part of the problem truly are the problem.  I would love to have a president tell the world that we are cutting back on building bombs in order to redirect that money towards helping countries with trafficking problems and planting more forests.  There isn’t a Democrat or Republican that will ever do this.  I guess that is why I don’t give a damn about who wins the next election!

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