Steve wanted to see some photos of how we’ve decorated the house
Steve asked a long time ago for me to send photos of our house since he’s in decorating mode for his cool condo in Japan. So finally, I have managed to post a few.
The little dining area.
Another view of the living area with kitchen behind (it’s all one room, really).
Molly being a model for the bedroom.
Back window.
Ok, here is something I really dislike but I’m not sure what to do about it. Our fireplace has been painted white. It’s weird, so we thought we’d just sand it off. But when we started sanding the brick looked a funny color, not the pretty red that we expected like the outside of the chimney. So maybe they used a different brick inside? Or is it soot-stained? We are not sure what to do, if we go to the trouble to strip the paint and the brick underneath is ugly or stained what can we do? I don’t want to paint it white again! Any suggestions out there?
Tags: Back in the USA
I love the info and have bookmarked your blog. Haver you thought of doing a vlog describing this stuff?