Russian River
All over Alaska everyone was talking about the Russian River salmon fishing. For the longest time we thought it was the Rushing River they were talking about but finally we figured it out. Dave and I both gave the fishing a try, and he actually caught a few after some expert guidance from a fishing guide from Washington. Those sockeye salmon are delicious!
The salmon are amazing how they find there way back to the river they were born in after years in the ocean, spawn and then die. I have a video of the salmon jumping UP a waterfall but I’m still experimenting with adding video to this page!
Dave proud with his catch! Don’t ask about his outfit…you really needed waders to fish here but since neither of has had a pair we wore our diving wetsuits. They kept us warm and mine came in very handy when as I was trying to avoid a grizzly floating down the river I fell full in the freezing water! I also lost my wedding band when I fell it. We searched for it but I think the darn bear stole it! Now some hobbits will come by fishing and find it, I’m sure.
Here’s a black bear that was hanging around looking for scraps of fish. This bear seemed pretty nice.
I’m trying so hard, just not getting any.
Dave fishing with the black bear sneaking up behind him.
Dave fishing with the grizzly sneaking up behind him. This bear everyone knows and calls ‘gimpy’. He was shot and his mother was killed last year. Because of the large number of bears looking for salmon scraps a lot of people were carrying guns around the river. While I understand if you are going into the back country, I found it a bit excessive around a busy populated area around the Russian River, and I found the rednecks with guns a lot scarier than the bears.
Tags: North, to Alaska