BootsnAll Travel Network

More Chinese New Year

February 13th, 2006

Like I said, it lasts for over 2 weeks so we’ve gotten to participate in many more Chinese New Year traditions.


We went for a traditional Chinese dinner at a nice restaurant that Clancy set up for us. Here is the group consisting of our new friends from KL and a few folks from Houston who happen to be working over here as well. The dinner was excellent except for a random dessert item that was described as tasting like ‘tortillas’, ‘cardbord’, ‘fish’ and ‘a belt’.


We were lucky enough to catch the ‘lion dance’ on Chop Go Mei, the last day of Chinese New Year.


This one was quite impressive. There are two guys inside the costume, and they are up on poles that are about 7 feet high!


These guys are really talented!


Here we are with Yuen Ching at her family’s get together.


With Yuen Ching’s cousin Josephine and her family.


Cameron Highlands

February 6th, 2006

Last weekend we rented a car and took a trip to the mountains, an area called the Cameron Highlands. What a contrast to KL and the surrounding area. It was cold by Malaysian standards and the buildings were all done to look like mountain chalets. It was really a nice change from the hot, gritty city.
We stopped at lots of roadside stands and ate food from the street market. They grow the most delicious strawberries there! We also discovered something called a ‘chicken plant’. It is a plant that looks like it is covered in reddish-brown fur. We asked what it was for and the lady pointed at her hand. Do you put it on your skin to cure something? Or not put it on your skin because it will poke you like a cactus? We never figured it out, but I’d like to know.


Our nice guest house in the mountains.


We visited a tea plantation, hiked around among the tea plants and learned how tea is made.


More from the plantation.


Dave and Steve at the Chinese temple.


Me at a Hindu temple.

There are more pictures if you click below. It was so nice I just couldn’t stop clicking away.
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Gong Xi Fa Chai

February 2nd, 2006

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone! Welcome to the year of the dog.

This whole week is a holiday here in Malaysia, but since I’ll be leaving soon I got roped in to working anyway. It has been fun being in town, though, we’ve gotten to experience a few Chinese traditions and even attended a family gathering with our friend Yuen Ching who is 8th generation Straits Chinese.

Chinese New Year is kind of like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year all rolled into one and celebrations last for 12 days. There is the God of Wealth who I call ‘Chinese Santa Claus’. He makes his appearances around town passing out coins and candy to folks (not just kids, either). There are fireworks, parties, family gatherings and all kinds of traditons most of which I probably don’t even know about.

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Dave getting his ‘ang pow’ from the god of wealth at Times Square.


More stuff around the city

January 17th, 2006

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Can you believe this is a train station? It was built in the 1930’s I think and was designed by a British architect. Pretty nice!

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This is the train corporation’s headquarters. I don’t think Amtrak has anything this nice. It was designed by the same guy who did the station, of course.


Batu Caves

January 16th, 2006

We finally took the bus up to Batu Caves, a big tourist attraction around Kuala Lumpur. The caves are impressive in themselves, but this is a Hindu temple with really amazing statues inside (although real spelunkers would say it’s a waste of a really cool cave).
Anyway, it is quite interesting, although the giant statue outside the entrance is under construction and hidden behind tarps. In about a month, around Feb. 13th the Caves will host the Hindu festival of Thaipusam and about a million people will journey to the caves. This festival should be interesting, in pennance for their sins believers pierce themselves and carry carts of offerings hooked to their backs with hooks! Seriously, it looks really painful. I think we’ll still be here so we plan on going and checking it out. Those of you with weak stomachs may not want to look at those photos, but these are ok.

Looking at the stairs leading into the cave. You can see the big covered statue.

Inside the cave.

The elephant god Ganesh.
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Planning ahead – Africa

January 16th, 2006

Just wanted to put a post up letting everyone know that Dave and I are planning our Africa trip for either September or October and if anyone is interested in joining us for any or all of the trip you are more than welcome.
I think it would be a lot more fun to have a group, especially for climbing Kilimanjaro, but if you are not up for that and want to join us for safari or diving in Zanzibar we’d love to have company.
Of course, some folks I’ll be talking to individually and trying to convince you take time off work and spend money but I may not think of everyone who would be interested in going.
Anyway, if you have any interest at all let me know and I’ll convince you to go!


Birds and butterflies

January 14th, 2006

They have a bird park and butterfly park here in KL so we visited them last weekend. Pretty nice, actually.


These ‘hornbill’ birds they have in this part of the world sure are strange looking!


Dave seems to make animal friends where ever he goes. This butterfly sat on his arm the entire time we were in the park. Dave said it was much better than the two monkeys who rode on his back all over the park in Bali.
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January 14th, 2006

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The street food vendors outside our hotel.

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Our hotel even bans durian from the premesis!


Everything is decorated for Chinese New Year now.
