Moving on to the land of the kiwi
Well, as much fun as we’ve had in Australia we are moving on to New Zealand today and we are excited for some mountains and cool weather. The Great Barrier Reef was as awesome as expected and some underwater photos will be coming soon.
We’ve traveled down the East coast from Cairns to Brisbane via Greyhound bus stopping at a few places along the way, most with beautiful beaches. We’ve been camping out as much as possible but we’ve had a lot of rain so us and our stuff has pretty much stayed wet the entire way down the coast.
I will try to post photos from the dive trip and journey down the coast soon, and will update while we are in New Zealand.
Thanks for the comments, it is one of the highlights of the trip when I read them! Yes, we did eat kangaroo a few times, it is OK but I wouldn’t go out of my way for it.
We check our hotmail too, so don’t forget you can always email us!
Tags: around the pacific
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