Hong Kong 1
After a few setbacks leaving Houston (Mery, you are a Godsend) and a few more getting here $200 seemed like a good deal to take a different flight…
We have arrived safe in Hong Kong and are having a good time. The markets are amazing and Lantau island has loads of cool hiking trails, an unexpected bonus. Thanks for the hotel advice Steve, we would not be having as much fun if we were staying in the tourist ghetto in Kowloon.
This computer is not easy to use (all the stuff is in Chinese) so I will attach pictures later.
Tags: around the pacific
Sissy and Dave,
We are glad to hear you arrived safe even if it wasn’t easy. Have a great time and think of all us here in Houston.
Shannon Morgan
Damn, I’m jealous. You guys made the right decision. Good luck and keep posting to the blog. Some of us are going to get vicarious thrills from your trip