BootsnAll Travel Network

Anchorage, Revisited.

We had to go back through Anchorage after our time in the Kenai. We finally got some good photos of moose, these were right in town. We hiked a trail to the top of this mountain ‘Flat Top’ which offers great views of the city below. Dave even got a few more hours of fishing in, right there in town. Unfortunately he didn’t catch any, but I’m not sure what we’d do with them if he did, our freezer is full of salmon! We also ate some reindeer hot dogs. Yes, the hot dog stands all over town have reindeer dogs. I got a free soda from the hot dog vendor for knowing that Loretta Lynn sang ‘Coal Miner’s Daughter’. It’s unusual for music trivia knowledge to actually be useful.

The view of Anchorage from the top of Flat Top mountain.

Dave and I on Flat Top. Oh, and Molly too. It wasn’t too hard for an old dog like her.


Finally, some moose photos! With babies, even.

Just some more beautiful mountains scenes. Alaska sure does have enough of them!


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