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January 21, 2005


This is just a quick entry to let folks know where we are. We arrived in Madras on the 20th. Just like Mr. Ramamurthi (my sister's father-in-law, we are staying with her husband's family) assured us, most of the city is unaffected by the tsunami.

We're taking a trip today to the Ramamurthi's farmhouse, outside of the city. On the way, we're going to cruise by Marina Beach. If you were watching the tsunami news closely, you might recognize the name.

Tomorrow we plan to visit Mallahapuram to visit some famous temples. This area was also affected by the tsunami. I read an article that talked about how the shops near the Shore Temple were washed away.

Posted by Cathy on January 21, 2005 09:02 PM
Category: India
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