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April 25, 2005

Georgetown, Penang

Jason and I arrived after a pretty exciting day of travel across the border. We, ah, goofed a bit. For those thinking about crossing from Thailand to Malaysia overland -- take the tourist minibus. We went by public bus and spent a lot of time running around in our backpacks in 100 degree heat. But, I guess we got to talk to a bunch of local folks along the way and saw some smallish towns we wouldn't have otherwise visited.

We are in Georgetown, Malaysia. I was expecting something like Luang Prabang, but instead I find, not a ghost tourist city, but a very charming town with good food and friendly people. Like Rangoon, we seem like one of the only twenty tourists in town.

Malaysia has expensive beer ($2 for a single bottle of beer at the grocery store), Islam, and the death penalty for drug possession. [By contrast, you can get a large beer in Laos for fifty cents, one dollar in Thailand] I wonder if that's why we seem like the only young-ish tourists in town. heh, heh.

Posted by Cathy on April 25, 2005 01:37 AM
Category: Malaysia

Guess that you'd better sip the beer slowly while in Malaysia or stop back in Laos and Thailand for their down to earth beer prices. I'm searching for another webcam site that might be near your present location. Have fun!

Posted by: Kraston & Alice on April 25, 2005 11:41 AM

Cathy and Jason,
It sounds like you are having a lot of fun. What a nice trip!

Posted by: Dad and Mom on May 2, 2005 08:39 AM
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