103: Swimming with Sharks
At last.. it took two weeks of looking out for sharks during my dive trips (without success)
but today I went snorkelling at Shark Bay and about 200m off the beach I found 8-10 Black Top Sharks below me – Magic! 😀
The water depth was between 1.5 and 3m. The sharks were circling the area close to the ground. The were younger ones of about 80cm I reckon and the biggest ones were probably between 1.5m and 2m? Difficult to tell partly because everything looks bigger under water..
I swam mostly 5-6m away from them but also got closer (or rather the shark came closer to me) to maybe 3m or so.. I was told the black tip sharks are pretty harmless so I was not concerned about being too close to them but I did make sure to not to get too close nevertheless 😉
Did some “free diving” (holding my breath) at the “deeper” water (the 3m stretch that is;-) but I’m crap at it and don’t think I got more than 30 seconds max at a time;-) Gotta work on that.. Still nice to follow the sharks around down there even if it was just for a few seconds.
The water temperature at Shark Bay was about 28C-30C like on most dive sites around Ko tao though when I dived down to the sharks (which was only about 2.5-3m) the temperature dropped noticeably (actually quite refreshing;-) and visibility got a bit better too..
A good day.
Tags: Koh Tao, RTW 2005/2006, Thailand