75: Chaing Mai Flower Festival
Saturday, February 4th, 2006Parades, Parades, Parades 🙂
Glad I stayed on til today, the Flower Festival Parade was worth seeing.
Looked a bit like a Carnival Parade with lots of costumes, marching bands and flower cars ..
Many dancing girls in traditional or madeup costumes and big smiles on their faces walking & performing on the streets.
I’m surprised how many kids play instruments. They played marching music but also upbeat jazzy kinda tunes.
At the same time the stalls of the weekend market started early too (actually they were already there last night and again today and on Sunday I guess)
Check the pictures if you want to get an idea.. Not too great though (and probably the last time I play whit white balance settings;-) It was a nice enough day but doesn’t look like it on the pics *hmpf*