2 many bodies
its true, yeh, too many bodies. Go back 50 years, i wasnt there but im sure it was a less hectic place, simplier, more space, less stressful, less conquered etc etc time. I wish i was born just after the war. todays world is that of a complex rat race, world over. I dont care if your in UK or Rio. When you hear every second about renewable energy and the importance of recycling you know we got trouble. You know theres a strain.
I notice that in the UK the nanny state has completely got the over populated island by the balls and wont let go. letting go isnt convienient. letting go would mean we run away, now that we have our balls back. CCTV. Tracking devices. Tax. Government agencies. Shit i kind o understand the yanks when they want less government interference. Unless you are well and truely inbedded in the system you notic these things., Im comparing Latin Amercia of course which opened my eyes to having more freedom. Coming back has really been a eye opener. Rules galore, legislation is ordr of the day,. This is a ultra formal country trying to be free.
In Mexico there are no speed cameras. Man, seeing them every 100 metres makes you feel guilty. Of course Im not in the system yet. Im on the outside looking in. I was away too long. I adapted to a more care free way and cant readapt to a water tight system.
Of course I I could go back and theres a reason im back to the UK. But I had forgotton how difficult things are here. To get a job you have to be a mastermind individual. You are expected to perform miracles in front the the interviewers eyes. To have the answers of life on the tip of your tongue. In Mexico you stroll in, answer a few questions and bam, you’re working.
I blame it all on too many people. Too much pressure too many rules,. too much information- just jump on a train in london. no one is relaxing. The ants are reading papers or books or doing puzzles or messing about on their laptops or phones or have something stuck in their ears just to get that extra mental buzz. High stressed jobs arent enough. Theres no relaxation as normal humans know it., We are moving away from humanity. Moving to machinery, The human machine is the order of the day. Bionic man. We will be getting new body parts one day. we will hve memory chips put on our skulls to hold more info. This is the road to the matrix. jesus.
Mexico is still a place you can be human. You can stilll meet potential spouses in the supermarket- you dont need speed dating-, you can hang out after work and relax with neighbours. Here you better watch that no 14 year old wants to stab you on the way to the bus stop. there woman are still feminine, here they are more macho than the men. i could go on and on.
too many bodies dont make for a better life. I dont believe it can go on much longer. The laws of nature will take over once we reach breaking point. Then things will get ugly. No food, no space, no jobs, no trees, no air, no resources. Man has leanrnt how to exploit the earth not work with it. But earth will not be beaten by man. man will bring himself down.
Coming soon YES ITS HERE
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