Where Are The “Disappeared?”
Latest news in Oaxaca:
The ComisiĆ³n Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, CNDH has formally confirmed that the “violence” in Oaxaca was carried out by the ministerial, state and federal police troops, thereby agreeing with the complaints of the APPO regarding violations of human and civil rights. The commission acknowledges “excessive use of public force.” 20 dead…366 arrested…381 wounded. It does not mention the disappeared. There was torture, arbitrary arrest, executions, irregular judicial procedures, etcetera. -all against citizens who were either in the wrong place a the wrong time, or engaging in their right to march and protest.
This weekend the National Symposium on Communication and Society continues.
Lopez Obrador is touring Oaxaca state but not the city –gearing up for the elections in August.
In the Isthmus, the indigenous peoples are mounting a defense against the wind, hydro-electric, and highway projects which are grabbing their lands to benefit the transnational corporations. A news item about the Plan Puebla Panama turns up in the paper every week, sometimes twice a week.
There is now an on-line source for info about malnutrition, run by the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion. The site is called Reloj de la Desnutricion, in Spanish naturally. 131,717 (out of a population of 3 million) children in Oaxaca suffer malnutrition.
For the moment the APPO is in a holding pattern in the city.
The radio stations coming back on the air in Oaxaca City include Radio Planton, Radio Universidad and Radio Nundia. However three radio stations in the pueblos were attacked this week.
This week, four APPO members traveling on the highway were struck head-on by an empty bus and all four were seriously injured. The four claim it was a targeted attack -but since there’s no proof, the newspaper is writing it as an accident.
Tags: Human Rights, Mexico, Oaxaca
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