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Archive for December, 2008

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A Gift of Love

Friday, December 26th, 2008

My unexpected Christmas “Mass” occurred last night in Las Vegas of all places: Out of the dregs of post WWII Liverpool bubbled brilliant words and revolutionary music…channeling truth and prophecy even they were probably not completely aware of. Helped along no doubt by the Maharishi and the magic mushrooms of Hautla Mexico. Listening as if for the first time to the voices of a generation looking for love.

Imagination. Beauty. Fantasy. Originality. Hope. Transformation. Multisensory and Whole Brain Inspiration. Lifting…transporting…touching peace and love. Brought to us by unbelievable modern technology and the Sufi dancers of the “infidel.” Thanks to the souls of the multicultural priests of Cirque du Soleil…and the Beatles. “Love.”

Gooey overstatement? I risk cynicism. Who is to say the experience was not as transcendent as meditation? Hadn’t I just been studying Aristotle’s metaphysics of Potency and Actuality before that 1962 Beatles Tour?  Maybe last night just evoked the feeling of Possibility…of True Revolution that was born in that 18 year old new soul.

Thanks for the gift, Greg, and for the legacy of the Beatles.

Peace and love to you all in the new year!

Waiting for Alaska Flight 624

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008

Had a heck of a time getting out on the plane in the worst storm in the NW in 40 years! After a two hour trip from Salem to the Portland airport over icy washboard Highway 99 because the freeway was plugged with snow plows, the HUT Shuttle driver kindly unloaded my 6 duffels and 2 carry-ons and then helped pile them all onto a cart at the airport. Then, hitting a bump, I dumped the whole load in the middle of the street in front of a block long line of cars! Thanks to the generosity of two young guys who refused a tip, (it’s for our good karma, they said) I made it into the airport! A nice gentleman helped me lift my carry-on into the compartment above on the plane! Now my 42 year old son and his girlfriend are heaping loads of love and care onto me!

May you all enjoy similar care from complete strangers as well as family!

I Picked The Worst Day Ever To Travel

Friday, December 19th, 2008
It was supposed to be a simple trip from Oaxaca to Portland Oregon on December 17th to get stuff for my apartment in Oaxaca.  In the first place the plane was an hour late out of Oaxaca.  So I missed ... [Continue reading this entry]

Do It Yourself Law Enforcement

Friday, December 19th, 2008
In the [small] town of Santiago Lachivia the fed-up residents surrounded and put into prison the military group who had been harassing them and arbitrarily breaking into homes which they then robbed. An elderly woman was allegedly robbed of 5,000 ... [Continue reading this entry]

Last Speech By Founder of Pakistan

Saturday, December 13th, 2008
..............I shall watch with keenness the work of your Research Organization in evolving banking practices compatible with Islamic ideas of social and economic life. The economic system of the West has created almost insoluble problems for humanity and to many ... [Continue reading this entry]

Auto Bailout?

Saturday, December 13th, 2008
 Sent to me by a friend: Ford has spent the last thirty years moving its factories out of the US, claiming it can't make money paying American wages. TOYOTA has spent the last thirty years building more than a dozen plants ... [Continue reading this entry]

Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe

Saturday, December 13th, 2008
Extracted from a Washington Post article:
On Dec. 9, 1531, the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared in a vision to an Indian peasant, Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, on a hill north of the ruined Aztec capital, where the basilica stands today. According to ... [Continue reading this entry]

On Language

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008
Camille Paglia, in  today, can not be accused of political correctness in her article bashing Dick Cavett for his piece on Sarah Palin.  I love it. But what she does not mention is that it might have been the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Viva Mexico; Viva America

Sunday, December 7th, 2008
It is Sunday and quiet as usual except for a rally in Llano Park about a block away.  The sound of the speeches bounces off the walls of my courtyard but thankfully it has stopped. It is dusk now and the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Las Posadas

Sunday, December 7th, 2008
The days of Las Posadas commemorate Mary and Joseph's long and difficult trek from Nazareth to Bethlehem.  Rock bands are playing, marching bands with people carrying lights, dancing calendas with a giant Joseph and Mary carried atop the shoulders of ... [Continue reading this entry]

5 Sectys of State Advise Hillary

Sunday, December 7th, 2008
Here are some criteria offered by the LA Times by which to judge how Hillary, under Obama, will be doing in the next 4 years.  After reading "Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins,  however, I can think ... [Continue reading this entry]

Study Finds Happiness Is Contageous

Sunday, December 7th, 2008
A study of the relationships of nearly 5,000 people tracked for decades in the Framingham Heart Study shows that good cheer spreads through social networks of nearby family, friends and neighbors. By Karen Kaplan December 5, 2008 LA Times They say misery loves company, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Life In Oaxaca

Thursday, December 4th, 2008
I'm in my apartment and Tonee, the previous tenant who is moving into his new house on the road to Huayapam, is moving out slowly.  In the meantime I am enjoying his furniture...and his cat! Last weekend I went to a ... [Continue reading this entry]

Beloved Thai King Whispers

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008
The indicted exiled ex prime minister, Thaksin, committing the ultimate hubris...refuses to fall descrubed here in the International Tribune.