Koor Yi…Ok Ok
Monday December 16
OK, OK, OK, (koor yi in Chinese) the woman taxi driver giggles as we pull out of Old Town Lijiang on the way to the bus station. Ni hao (hello)! xiexie pronounced shishi (thank you)! we said to each other Goodbye, How are you, she said. She taught us the words for banana (sansha) and apple (pepo), earthquake (juluna) or to that effect. And then that was the end of the Chinese discussion! She did, however, get through to us the fact that all the buildings we were passing were newly constructed as a result of the 1996 earthquake…it was hilarious watching her body language as she tried to communicate that many people were killed and injured! Her fee was twice as high as it should have been (12 yuan or about $1.25) but we figured the extra 6 yuan was for the entertainment! And we were grateful when she rushed into the bus station to find out that the next bus was leaving within the next 10 minutes.
We wonder from time to time how the Dutch couple we met in Lao could have gotten the idea that Chinese people are not nice…maybe their food is a little oily but we have found the people to be nothing but friendly…they have a great sense of humor if you extend yourself to them and they look for every excuse to practice their English with you.
Tags: China, Funny Experiences, Lijiang, Yunnan